I have tested positive

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Hi everyone

My first post here, wish it wasn't, but hey I have to keep positive

So a quick history, I was feeling unwell, generally run down and aching middle of 2010, as I did know about Lymes I went to the doc and asked for a test, it was negative, and we just put it down to a bug, i showe dno signs of bullseye rash or any other symptons

I spend an awful lot of time in woods, but couldn't recall being bitten by a tic so thought I was OK

November the feelings returned, but this time with swollen elbows, so off to the doc again, he put it down to Gout, onto the Gout tablets which actually made me feel very ill, so stopped them, needless to say it wasn't gout

Another test for Lymes, again negative, but the doc persevered and I had lots of tests, blood, urine, x rays, all came back without a reason for feeling terrible

The tests ruled out liver, kidney, heart, lungs and everything else he could think of, it all pointed to Lymes so another test

And this time the test showed full on Lymes, positive and deeply embedded

The only clue before this was the tests showed mega amounts of white blood cells

So now at least I know what I have and the treatment has started, loads of antibiotics i can't pronounce and very strong painkillers

I wake up aching all over, swellings come and go, headache is permanent, during the day it often improves which is good and then I try and do something, run out of energy after a few minutes and have to sit down

The lack of energy is bad for me, i am usually very fit, always outdoors and it is hard to come to terms with

The next stage is the mental stuff, see how far that has got in me, so it is a full scan and neurologist sessions in the next couple of weeks

I will let you all know how it goes

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi David

    Wow a reply, thanks for taking the time to say something

    Well as you can see it is over a year since I posted here, many years to be precise

    As for the White Blood Count, all I can say at the time of that test, my WBC was through the roof apparently, the consultant at the time said that was because my body was fighting the Lymes

    Since then I have been diagnosed with both Lymes and Chonic Fatigue, although I do think the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome bit was the doctors cop out option as my symptons have never changed, one day fine, then a good spell, then so bad I can't leave the house, after Christmas the first time I actually left the house for the world was first week in March, 

    Do you have Lymes or think you have it ?

    • Posted

      Hi mate, thanks. I am consdiering i have lyme being an outdoors person. Used to be a super fit marathon runner/triathltet. and was in the Scottish highlands last August. Since December not feeling well at all. I am being tested for lyme, currently diagnosed with post viral fatigue syndrome. Out of work since January. Life as i knew it is over, no job, no social life, this is not acceptable. I've been reading alot of lyme people's symptoms and they match my own hence the curiosity and urgency. Tests for me consistently show low WBC and high end iron levels. I do think i could have lyme, and not sure how to approach the test results if it's negative. Probably ask for anti-biotics anyway, surely this is do able.
    • Posted

      Hi there, I was just reading through the posts. I too never left the house after Christmas until the middle of March, I just thought it was strange it happened to me too!!

      I'm just waiting on a Lyme test result, first one was IND so I'll know in a week or maybe not...., I was diagnosed with ME/CFS 8yrs ago and all tests for Lyme have come back negative since then, but all my symptoms point to Bartonella or Lyme.

      Have you had any more courses of antibiotics?


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