I haven't had a period in 2 years
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I am 20 years old, my last period was the beginning of June of 2014. I have tried everything. my sophmore year of high school, I was on different types of birth controls and within a year I decided to take myself off of them. Then I went a year without a period and then the summer of my senior year, I had my first period in over a year. My doctor had told me it was because I was active and that it was common in athletes, but I no longer play sports and I still dont have a period. So before I spend 1000 of dollars on doctor visits, I want to ask everyone here what they think I should do.
Thanks in advace
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VauxhallGirl sarah51321
Are you back on the birth control pills now? Because that can make your periods stop in their tracks.
Or, it may just take you a while to get back to normal. How long since you gave up sports?
sarah51321 VauxhallGirl
VauxhallGirl sarah51321
sarah51321 VauxhallGirl
kelly67625 sarah51321
Did you ever manage to find out what was causing your missing periods? I am in a similar situation, I am 27 years old and haven't had a period in over 2 years. I was on birth control beforehand like you but came off. I've been tested for PCOS and have cycsts on one ovary but they are not severe apparently? I would be interested to hear what you have found out/ what tests you have had as I feel a bit lost about what to do now!
Thanks in advance, Kelly
leajade kelly67625
Hi Kelly I'm hoping you get back in touch as your comment was 2 years ago so maybe something was done/found out by now. I'm 28 and had no period for 2 years and also had scan for PCOS and they said it's only showing small follicles. Gyne has just given me some hormone tablets to try kick start my periods but just wondered what your experience was after u wrote this message. Thank you in advance!