I haven't told my partner I have LS

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I was diagnose 4 1/2 years ago was told by doctor just rude clob cream for three weeks when I had a flare up. It hasn't been much of a problem till 4 months ago now every time u have sex it hurts and takes 4 days to get over it. I have taken on board all your info I have read and will start doing the soda soaks and coconut oil

I've been in new relationship for 3 years I haven't told him yet but an going to have to. I feel so embarrassed I don't know how to tell him.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Do you do any other maintenance daily? LS seems to abate when you mix up your routine. You might benefit from a vitamen E capsule cut open and liquid massaged into that area each night. Each morning I use paw paw ointment which acts as a barrier. There are a lot of natural products you can use. Coconut oil is another good one. 

    Good luck 😊

  • Posted

    I was having extreme pain with sex for a long time and dreading having sex. I didnt know what was wrong with me except I would tear over and over again. My husband was out to sea for a couple months when I was diagnosed because of a flare up and cuts that wouldn't heal. When he came home I told him I was finally checked and it has a name. And I showed him the terrible tears and I cried and apologized for having a autoimmune disease that was going to affect him so profoundly. Then the Clobetisol started working, and the moisturizing helped. The fusing had done its damage pretty quickly though. I think when I approached it with " I finally found out why I keep tearing," and the full explanation, it was not too hard on him. Up until then I think he blamed himself that I wasn't thrilled with sex . I did cry and felt embarrassed and apologetic. It does something to us as women. It's a cruel disease.

    The meds have kept it controlled and we work gently into intercourse and alternate ways to satisfy.

    I wish you all the best.

  • Posted

    Your right what do you say. Believe it or not I really don't think I told my husband. He has his own issues. I have been married most of my life. Write it down about the LS. Let him know they donot have a lot of information about

    But a lot of woman have. And we're dealing with it. No you can't catch. But I will need your support. And can you deal with it. No now. You don't need added stress. Good luck and God bless.

  • Posted

    Everything will be just fine.  I discovered LS about 2 weeks ago and i didnt tell my boyfriend for the first week, but then i revealed that i have to rub cream on myself and its not contagious and sometimes it will prevent us from having sex. he's good with it all. He said "Im all in with this relationship, we can handle anything".

    Also, it was easy for me to tell him about LS because i also have Herpes, so..i had to reveal to him before even knowing him that i have an STD, talk about EMBARRASSING! LoL, But telling someone I've been with for awhile about something non life threatening AND not contagious, ends up being pretty easy.

    Good luck lady! you wont need it because itll all be just fine.

  • Posted

    Get some oestrogen cream from your doctor . It’s lack of it that causes dryness inside and out . so my specialist  tells me . She gave me tablets for inside as well . It seems to work .  I’ve done it for 2 weeks and now 1 or 2 times a week for maintenance. Good luck . 
  • Posted

    You have to take care of yourself first... Either he will accept and love you anyway or he will not be the guy for you. None of us are guaranteed a healthy life in the future, it could of been him who developed this...

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