I havent had my period in almost a year, what is causing it?
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I am 16 years old and i first started my cycle when i was 9. My period
Was regular for the first three years but then my period stopped for
Several months and occasionally i would have a period maybe once
Or twice then itd disappear again for months. I am not sexually active
And i am not on any medication. When the usual time for my period
Comes, i get cramps and aches but no blood. What is causing this?
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kimberly4u kim60670
kaitlyn02827 kim60670
Overcomer1 kim60670
maryam25 kim60670
Girl This happened to me. I had my period when I was 11 which is considered early and was regular for 2-3 years. When i entered high school my freshman year i got my period only about 3 times or so I believe. In a middle of a conflict with my dad he asked me why i was so angry and emotional all the time and I told him I hadn't gotten my period this year barely. He was concerned and pushed my mom to schedule a doctors appointment. I was had heavy painful periods when i would get it. The doctor told me it was normal and my age and stress and after I had sex that year my period appeared oddly but right after that I toke birth control for my skin cause i started breaking out. I didn't have much off a period often on my Birth Control because the type I toke was a generic for a Brand that makes your period less frequent. I stopped Birth control my Junior year and toke plan be quite a few times.For 2 years after that my period was off and My senior year my period was gone once again.I thought sincw I was having stomach Probs and was eating healthy that caused my period to dissapear BUT This time I was 18 and I pushed for tests. I got a transvaginal and regular ultrasound and my Gynocologist who was telling me its normal said I HAVE Cysts on my ovaries and was Diagnosed with PCOS(POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME) Keep in mind I didnt fit the usual case such as having diabetes or being very obsese which usually are what people think causes cysts or means you have cysts. MANY YOUNG PEOPLE WITH NO HEALTH PROBLEMS HAVE PCOS WHICH SYMPTOMS ARE IRREGULAR PERIOD,MORE HAIR GROWTH ON FACE AND BODY,PAIN IN OVARIES AND UTERUS AND PELVIS AND ABDOMEN WITH OR WITHOUT PERIOD. PLEASE get tested no matter what the doctors say. Ask for a Hormone Blood test to Check How much Estrogen And Testorone and Androgens your making. AND PLEASE Ask for AND ULTRASOUND TRANSVAGINAL OR REGULAR. Transvaginal(meaning they go in the vagina is not painful if you've had sex before causes no actual pain and you are awake) shows a better view of your cysts so please consider transvaginal. If not regular is ok. IF you do have PCOS don't be scared its more annoying than anything. Taking birth control and diet and excersise and balancing your hormones with natural supplements such as Vitex or Inositol(maybe) can help. If not than it could be something else. But Your story sounds much like mine and I have PCOS. Wish I had known a little sooner so I didn't feel crazy. My friend had the same symptoms and I urged her to test and she said I was right and that she is now on Birth Control. Mines Genetic but Many people can have it just because.
Best of luck(:
jennifer08127 kim60670
Hi kim! Periods are a real problem especially when you have to worry about it because it's late. Usually, during the teen years, the majority of people face a problem at one point or another. But, when the problem persists or when you feel that it's abnormal, that's when i think you should see a doctor. In my case, i had irregular periods my entire life and as i went to the doctor (was a bit late) i was diagnosed with a 12cm dermoid cyst on one of my ovaries ( it was so big it messed up my hormones). If i'd went earlier, my problem would've been solved more easily. So, my point is that to get your head clear, you definitely should visit a doctor so that you know clearly if there's smth wrong. The sooner the better. Good luck!