I hear neck cracking sounds and stiff neck from past 1 and a hard year . The pain in intolerable
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I cannot move my neck up and if I do soy neck hurts like hell and when I look up and move my neck left or right there's a crik crik kind of sound in my neck
Please find any solutions or tell me something to do
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crystal63405 jagreuben
davidCa crystal63405
i would recomend having a spinal surgoen do a MRI, to see if there is damage in the spine, i have a bulging disc c4-5-6, in my surcomstance i cant find anyone to do the surgery, i had oral cancer in 08, and 6 surgeries, chemo, radiation, they won't do anymore to my neck, because the past surgeries, and radiation. heck i cant even get a tooth pulled, it can kill me with infection. so i am using gabapenton, and soma, 4 a day each, plus over counter ibup. i get headaches,,,, i am curently on leave, had a hand surgey, and the physical theropy is killing my neck. all they can say for now is heat and ice, and stretch. ,,,,,,wish you well, i would get it looked at.
hope4cure jagreuben
shanex702x jagreuben
I have this same exact issues and that description is the same i've been giving doctors for 4 months now.. I'm only 28, was in a softball accident where a knee of a player hit me on left side neck behind bone/muscle area.. it throbs, hurts all time.. have had a radioctive mri, regular mri ct nothing is showing anything to them.. I dont know what to do I havn't been able to work now in 4 months, I drop things all the time now.. i was the kind of guy who was healthy, in gym 5-6 days a week, bartending at a nightclub in vegas for years.. this has completely messed my life up.. it is exactly like this feeling tho.. have you found anything out?