I just had a lateral internal sphincterotomy. How long until I am pain free?
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I had the procedure done yesterday morning. I had my first bowel movement last night. Unfortunately I had to pull out 36 inches of gauze that was stuffed up inside of me. Very painful experience! Its day 2 and I just had my second bowel movement and the burning is excruciating.
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Rodge Hals
Hi I haven't had this procedure yet but it's what the surgeon is considering doing.
Can you tell me why you needed it done please.
Hals Rodge
greg82314 Hals
Hello Hal
It is really painful just reading your article. I have an appointment next week to go see a surgeon about how to fix my Fisher. It's flaring up as I write this and it's so darn painful I got to find a way to fix it. What do you suggest.?
Hals greg82314
mmarcus151910 Hals
Hope you feel better!
Hals mmarcus151910
mohmoh34 Hals
May i know how you felt day 1~7.
Have you felt unempty bowel movement at those day?
Day 8,how you feel?
Kindly let me know.
I am in still pain even 7 days After surgery.
mmarcus151910 mohmoh34
Within the first week I still had pain, but it was a different pain then the fissure pain. Meaning, it was painful, but not nearly as intense as the fissure pain.
If you feel like you are getting worse, I would call your doctor and make an appointment.
Also, I saw your other post about your poop being soft. make sure your poop is soft but not liquidy. When your poop is too soft or liquidy, it is acidic and can do more damage then good despite it not being hard. You want a happy medium of the two. Not too soft, not too hard, but somewhere in the middle.
Hope this helps!
mohmoh34 mmarcus151910
Thanks for your prompt reply.
My stool is not in condition as you mentioned.But not too liquidy.
I just bm now.
After sugery,It's first time that I see blood on my wet tissue,not in stool.
Please can you suggest me again.
mmarcus151910 mohmoh34
I am no doctor, so I owuld suggest calling your doctor to ask?
Here are some suggestions I have for you to help you through:
[color=#500050][color=#333333]1. Try somee zinc oxide in the form of calmoseptine which has menthol to soothe the area down there as well. Calmoseptine can be bought at almost any local drugstore and can be bought online too.[/color]
[color=#333333]2. Try squatting when going on the toilet instead of sitting. This is a much helathier position and the poop sometimes will just slide out, no pushing or straining involved.[/color]
[color=#333333]3. I would definately take a fiber supplement, specifically metamucil is what I take evveryday, in ordr to allow your stools to be soft and to allow them to pass thorugh easily. THis being said, with any fiber supplemetn, you must drink lots of water when using them, or they will not work veffectively. Also, do not take too much as too much fiber can irritate your bowels on the way out and diarreah actually does worse down there.[/color]
[color=#333333]4. I would recommend getting a sphicteronomy surgery if htings dont get better. I waited it out, gave up, had the surgery, and was able to heal within about two weeks. I had a chronic fissure, so I knew where you are ocming from with v all the pain and discomfort.[/color]
[color=#333333]Try listening to music to distract your mind a bit, especially when going to the bathroom. If you are in writing pain, distract yourself with a movie or TV show right after. Also, to prevent myself from screaming and from putting more stress in the area down there, i bit down on a washcloth in order to make the tensions with my teeth instead of my sphicter muscle.[/color][/color]
Hope this helps!!!
mohmoh34 mmarcus151910
mmarcus151910 mohmoh34
No problem
dm5 Hals
I had surgery on Dec. 30th and I am still in pain following BM's. How long did it take you to heal ?
mmarcus151910 dm5
dm5 mmarcus151910
mmarcus151910 dm5
Personally, I take about a tablespoon of metamucil every day to make sure I go regularly and to make sure my poops are soft. Also, I would wet the toilet paper before wiping as that helps too. Also, drink lots of water.
Congrats and hope you stay well!
dm5 mmarcus151910