I just want you be me again
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Hi everyone, I have been reading the posts on here and it helps to know I'm not alone.
I literally feel like I'm loosing my mind. The anxiety and depression is so bad.
I just want my life back but it doesn't come back no matter what I do.
I've medications but they don't work. I can't go on HRT because of medical issues.
I feel for all of you because this is a struggle. I don't know how I make through
the day sometimes. Sorry this is such a negative post but I need to vent to people
Who understand. Thank you for listening and I hope one day we will all get better.
I just want to be me again.
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Azzumi traci78291
Hi Traci..I'm so sorry to hear how much you are struggling. Believe me you are not loosing your mind but unfortunately menopause can be very cruel. I found the depression and mood issues to be debilitating at times. I also found reading what other women experience to be very reassuring but when you are in the moment sometimes nothing seems to help. I did find taking one hour at a time important just to get through each day. The moments do pass and don't be too hard on yourself either.
Please post whenever you feel the need and remember there is always someone here to listen.
Please take care..
traci78291 Azzumi
It means more than you know☺
metamorphed traci78291
traci, you are still you, in transformation, unfortunately. It is cruel, horrible and we are all going through it. You have to be tough with yourself and push yourself to get rid of the negative thoughts and be positive. Keep telling yourself it is temporary. it seems a long 'temporary' but the more positive you are, I find, the easier it gets. I struggle too but I have a lot of good days now when at one time there were more bad days than good. The physical effects can be overwhelming but I just keep battling. Put a smile on no matter how crap you feel,,, it works. Medications, for me anyhow, just didnt work. I have turned by back on them all, hormones it seems, are more powerful than them. Remember, how you would have been before this transformation, how you handled situations etc., and health issues, etc., think about it and aim to handle things like you did before. Hope this helps in any small way...
Azzumi traci78291
That's ok..I'm glad it helped. I actually found your post very reassuring. Not a lot of women post about depression but when I was at my worst I would lock myself in the bathroom and cry so my boyfriend wouldn't see and I work in retail which was incredibly hard as I would find myself in tears in between customers too. I also found first thing in the morning when I woke up to be particularly bad with dark insane thoughts and I'd get very confused. I'd question everything my boyfriend said and did to the point where I felt I was loosing a grip on reality.
I'm on BHRT now and definitely better than I was but right now its 6.30am and instead of training I'm sitting in bed with my coffee and my cat having a moment and writing this.
I'd really like to know how things go for you.
Cheers Rosemary.
traci78291 metamorphed
Thank you for your post. I will definitely take your advice and remember
How I was before this nonsense started.
It did help me.
Thank you
traci78291 Azzumi
Hi Rosemary,
I'm so glad to hear your doing better!
Must have been tough for you.
I'm doing okay.
I wish I could take HRT, but I can't because of medical issues.
I found a very good therapist whom I saw for the first time last week
And he is teaching me how to meditate and think positive.
It did seem to help a little.
Hope you have a good day!