I keep vomiting these past few weeks..

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Anyone can help me? Because I'm scared already.. Coz almost all of the symptoms of gastric cancer is have already... Last year I did endoscopy to check why I keep poop fresh blood but after that they never see any problem on my stomach. Even the biopsy is nothing. After that these year it happen again I had poop fresh blood again. Then last whole month after I always eat or drink anything I always keep vomit I always feel full and wants everything to come out and I always feel dizzy and weak. Then this week every time I eat I always feel pain in my chest I feel all I eat is stock on my chest and never go down in my stomach and start feel dizzy and vomit. Until I now i scared to eat already coz I always vomit only and I always feel to burp.

please anyone can help me...

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds like u are having a lot of gas. Do u have a schedule to eat ?  You should eat at least 4 to 5 small portions per day and how often do u poop? Is it hard and dark. Are u forcing if so then this would be likely why there is blood in poop. Sound like the only relief is to vomit ,  back off of red meat , no pork these are very hard to digest and if you do eat them dont eat them at night do so for lunch and use activia everyday this should help .
    • Posted

      No. I don't have eat schedule.. My poop is sometimes hard sometimes watery I poop 2 or 3times a day sometimes 4 to 5 if watery.. I'm not eating so much of red meat and pork, usually I'm eating is some soup noodles or rice chicken and vegetables. 
  • Posted

    No. I don't have eat schedule.. My poop is sometimes hard sometimes watery I poop 2 or 3times a day sometimes 4 to 5 if watery.. I'm not eating so much of red meat and pork, usually I'm eating is some soup noodles or rice chicken and vegetables.
    • Posted

      You need to be careful with what you are eating .A lot of what we eat triggers these symptoms also . Be careful with your fruits and veggies also.Stay away from broccoli and corn.
    • Posted

      Ok, thank you very much for the info.. Do u think better i do again my endoscopy?
  • Posted

    First stop the cancer panic.  Most symptoms can be related to cancer but only a very few are.  Fresh blood in your poo is normally down to piles, no you won't be able to see or feel them in many cases.  It sounds you may have two different problems, don't link them together. One = piles 2 = acid reflux, go to the doctors, he will most likely prescribe some omeprazole, see how you go on after 4 weeks. Acid reflux can be linked to all the above.  Look at the simple common problems before looking deeper and dont link all problems together and come up with something dire.  Just like a car we can have many different problems that are not related, not worrying so much will also help as the worry will make you produce even more acid. good luck.
  • Posted

    Good morning, hope all is well today. I am feeling okay and had a good day yesterday as well. Although i agree with dave, stressing makes it worse and we are really quick to think the worse when we dont know or understand something but take it easy and one day at a time. The big C is first to jump in our mind even though we are dead scared of it but if that was the case something woyld show in your labs. Try to calm your stomach the natural way and stay of of wheat products if you are going to eat wheat bread always toast it to make it more easier to digest. Peppermint tea always comforts the tummy.
  • Posted

    You may also be having some anxiety because you know how you feel when u eat and its scary but eat, not eating will make the situation worse. Milk also causes diarrhea and to much causes constipation. Leave dairy alo e fiw a week and see what happens with your bowels. A real ni e milk is oat milk or rice dreams original. Back off of sugar use honey or blackstrap molasses only as sweetner.

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