I [KNOW] I have Atrial Fibrilation.

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I have every single simpton listed, but I think I have paryoxysmall atrial fibrilation. They gave me a 30 day monitor, not a 2 day or 4 day monitor that records all the time. I am scared to death, and I am only 14. I have had ECGs, EKGs, Echocardiograms, blood tests, cat scans, the whole nine yards. THey haven't done the ones that MATTER. Like a stress test or the endless recording. I am afraid I will die, and I don't know what to do anymore. They said no more cardiology is needed anymore, but I know they are wrong. Help?

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Brandon. Please don't worry so much. I'm sure your parents must be supporting you in this. If it is atrial fibrillation as you are assuming there are really good treatments for this that are highly successful. Please talk to mum and dad about the way you feel. If you don't feel that their support is enough the british heart foundation nurses are a great source of knowledge and support. I hope this helps. 
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      We are so far in this that I they pointed towards the direction of anxiety.

      There is nothing I can do but wait till something really bad happens and then they will have to believe me.

  • Posted

    NoBrandin. you don't have to wait. You have the right to see a gp or specialist the same as an adult.  Please talk to the british heart foundation. I'm sure there will be a nurse there who can support you and discuss your concerns. 
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      Where I live there are no gp that will take minors and only Pediatric Cardiology specialists are far away which we have been to
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    Hi Brandon. I do think that all of us on this forum suffers from anxiety from one time to another as anything that affects your heart is very scary particularly when you are as young as you are. Caroline's advice is really worth taking because she is right, you don't have to wait until something happens and hopefully it never will but you should speak with your parents again and tell them just how you are feeling. Very often the fear of what something might be is worse than the reality so ask if you could see a consultant and have some more tests so that they can either treat you or put your mind at rest. Because you are worried, it will make any symptoms worse so finding out what is wrong ( if anything) will be the first step. I hope you get the support you need and things improve very soon.


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      I do get the support I need and there aren't any more tests to do I got the clear that no continued cardiology is needed.  My parents have already taken me to Riley Hospital and ER so many times.  $40 thousand dollars later.  I just have the fear of my heart stopping hopefully in time it will go away since I am also seeing a phycologist
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    It sounds as if you are doing everything you can then. Try not to worry too much and believe in the Drs. I do apreciate that this is difficult when you are the one getting the symptoms but you will get there. Take care.


  • Posted

    Sorry Brandon I didn't realise you were is the USA.  In the uk we have charitable trusts that we can call for information. Look this up in your phone book or on the internet. There will be someone who can give yiu advice on the phone.  Good luck
  • Posted

    Hi Brandon, I was diagnosed with AF 3 days ago. I was told 5 months ago I had ectopc beats. I woke up in the middle of the night last Thursday with palpitations and fast heart beat. I phoned for an ambulance and was taken into hospital. The AF was picked up with an ECG. I was in hospital in June this year for 10 days and  I had an 8 day monitor, 24hr, 48hr monitor during my stay there, but the ECG did not pick up the AF until now. Perhaps it was diagnosed this time because I had an attack when they done the ECG. I am going to find out if I can have an ablation and put an end to all my symptoms.

    I have had this condition for a very long time. Hope you get answers soon.


  • Posted

    Hi Brandon, how are you? Please tell me for what reason you think you have AF?

    I've had AF many times and indeed i was quite young to get AF at age 33.

    Tell yourself this - AF never killed anyone. Its true.

    Your biggest risk from AF is stroke and at your age that is EXTREMELY unlikely.

    If youve had an ECG and it doesnt show AF then you dont have AF - its that simple. I know when I'm in AF and the ECG also shows it.

    What are your symptoms?


  • Posted

    Do you feel your heart occasionally pause? then start again with a thud?

    If thats what you are feeling its a palpitation and of course these are made worse by anxiety which will heighten the feeling of every single beat of your heart.

    The pasue that you feel is simply the heart reacting to an additional beat which has put more blood in the chambers than it clears with a normal stroke so the heart being clever just gives it a larger stroke and thats the pause you feel folowed by the thud of the normal ryhthm.

    Again these are nothing to worry about.

    Your first step is to make sure you are eating clean. Avoid junk and processed foods laden with sugar.

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