I know I’ve asked this a lot about meds but....
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I am suffering so badly with this hormonal hell! I feel so sick all of the time, mentally and physically. I am now having trouble eating and getting out of bed. Im at the point now where i would rather sleep so i dont have to feel the awfulness i feel when im awake. I am about ready to reach for the Zoloft again to at least numb this awful feeling. Has anyone else had very bad nausea, loss of appetite and major depression and anxiety with your menopause? And if so has any antidepressant at least helped you live somewhat of a life? I am very sensitive to meds and they make me so sick for weeks, I normally cant hang out long enough to see if they help. Anyone else sensitive to meds and they stuck it out long enough to see improvement with their menopause? I dont have much of the hot flashes my symptoms are mostly nausea, tiredness, loss of appetite, obviously no period but i constantly feel like im on it, depression, anxiety, dizziness, faint feeling, zero energy and taste issues.
1 like, 14 replies
Kadija1966 Guest
I get nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss. Bloating, feeling tired, anxiety. Been to doctors and have given some meds. Not feeling too bad, able to eat and the nausea is not so bad. Had the same issues 3years ago.
Guest Kadija1966
i have promethazine for the nausea but it still doesnt bring back my appetite and it makes me so lethargic
Kadija1966 Guest
I take maxolon for the nausea, it helps alot and have stopped the nausea.
Salesmanswidow Guest
hi brandy i totally get this ive just spent the last 9 days in bed with crushing exhaustion, bloating, no appetite, constant full feeling, nausea, painful joints, im at the point too where i just want to be in constant sleep its awful. im 45 & in peri menopause im off to the chemist tommorrow to collect 3 months of hrt as my quality of life is zero, have you tried it? (im in england)
Guest Salesmanswidow
hello...no im too afraid to mess with the hormones as cancer runs in my family 😦 besides when i was in my teens and twenties i tried several forms of birth control which made me very sick to the point of fainting! I guess that should have been my warning that my body cant handle any type of change in hormone levels. But yeah it is so awful!! You feel like your dying and nobody understands. They all expect you to be perky and go about your life as usual....how is that even possible if you have no energy and everything you eat causes you nausea or lower gut bloat!
Salesmanswidow Guest
oh gosh im so sorry, for me hopefully the benefit of hrt will outweigh these awful feelings as my quality of life is non existent youre right people dont understand how you look perfectly fine but litrally cannot get out bed, this is weird but i do try to force food down & after it does actually seen to offer some relief, its hard but might be worth a try. ive lost weight over the last few months which is bad because im tiny to start with
NothinforNothin Guest
Brandy I went through 3 meds that didn't work until I finally did the swab gene testing and found one that finally started to. Also, I found out through this test that there was 15 other meds that I shouldn't take because they did not coincide with my genes and this one of three that was suggested did. It's worth a try instead of going through trial and error. Wish I would have done this the first go round but, I didn't know about it then. I'm happy I did because I was just about to be prescibed one on the list of 15 I couldn't take just before I had it done. Hang in there girl. I'm in this almost two years and I'm not right yet but, I have hope now that soon I will be back to my normal self. It will pass and I was severe like you and never thought things would ever get better. xo Jeni
Guest NothinforNothin
yes i did the sane testing and sadly the only ones i can take are lexapro, wellbutrin and zoloft....all the ones that cause nausea and appetite loss. Ive tried them all. i even suffered for 2 whole months on zoloft and the nausea and appetite loss never went away 😦
NothinforNothin Guest
I'm sorry to hear that Brandy. You may be just as resistant to meds as me. The only thing which has helped me are distractions and trying hard NOT to think about it. If you spend all day thinking about this crap. You won't get better. I know believe me it's hard SO hard but, you have to. I'm just accepting that now and things are getting easier. I don't want to be talking about my health all the time and that's all I was doing. That's not me. Hang in there....it has to pass eventually. Many women on this site pulling for you!!! xo jeni
Guest NothinforNothin
thank you!! It is so hard when you feel so sick all of the time, really too hard to ignore it
NothinforNothin Guest
I know!!! I said the same thing to my husband. "I can't help it! I can't function!" but, although I'm not all there yet I'm starting to say like - wth am I talking about this all the time for. This is not me. DISTRACT yourself. Seriously, I'm selling candles from home now because I've been like agoraphobic from this anxiety but, it's helping. ha and I can't focus fully but, it's getting me out of my head. Which is the key. I'm praying for you. xo Jeni...if you ever need to talk just message me!
sheila38495 Guest
Hi I am on HRT estrogen patch Estradot and Duloxetine that has really improved my symptoms to function almost back to normal. I had really bad anxiety, loss of appetite , weight loss, head pressure, dizziness and lots of other symptoms .... I could not leave the house . Was really really so sick daily . I have had huge improvement in my symptom . I DO ALL NORMAL THINGS LIKE SHOPPING AND GOING OUT. I DON'T CONSUME ALCOHOL AT ALL NOT EVEN COFFEE . If you decide to go on medication you have to give it at least 3 to 4 months to work. That's what I was told by my doctors and it WORKED. I had to be patient. I also take vitamins as well. That's my situation. It's only advice on what worked for me after trying all herbal, homeopathic treatments. Your body needs hormones to function. Duloxetine helps to preserve your body's serotonin and helps with mood and anxiety but takes a while to work . I Hope this helps. It worked for me and I am merely helping. Please get medical advice on your condition and take the advice of your doctors.
Guest sheila38495
Thanks for the reply!! Im not interested i taking the hormones cause of cancer risk but of the antidepressants will eventually help then i will try to force through the side effects!
sheila38495 Guest
Hi you are most welcome. Wish you all the best. ❤