I'm 15 experiencing TERRIBLE brain fog ...

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Hi I'm 15 and have been experiencing brain fog for the last two weeks.

During the past year I stupidely got in to a sort of "party life" using a LOT of MDMA(monthly use), smoking Cannabis(weekly use) and also drinking.

The last time I took MDMA was about 4-5 weeks ago but in a very small quantity and about 2-3 weeks before that, but in a much bigger quantity.

I last smoked Cannabis very stupidely last week-end(a lot) , assuming that the "brain fog" was just because of a hangover or something, I used to smoke Cannabis regularly (once a week on weekends, and sometimes during the week, and almost everyday during holidays) but have now quit due to the brain fog.

I tried magic mushrooms 3 times.

I drink on nights out with friends and tend to drink a lot.

I also smoked Salvia once about 2 weeks ago before the "brain fog".

And now for the last  two weeks I constantly feel weird, I cannot concentrate, I constatly feel sort of "buzzed out" but in a bad way, when ever I do try to concentrate my brain sort of heats up and I get a headache and it gets much much worse, at sometimes  I feel as though it is fading away and coming to an end but, then it just comes back as usual also I sometimes feel a sort of liquid going through my head and to the back of my eyes that feels like if it were bleeding and forgetfullness like I've never had before. 

What I find strange is that in recent weeks I have not done MDMA (which in Oct-Jan I used a LOT and barely affected in anyway me and managed to get good marks at school one of the reasons why I stupidely continued) but still have smoked Cannabis  a bit more than usual but still I felt normal up until two weeks ago which during which I drank, smoked Cannabis and Salvia which is nothing compared to what I would usually do, so I find it strange that this only started two weeks ago sort of "out of the blue" .

I'm very very worried about this and will take all the information and advice you can give  ? 

thank you 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Diggory,

    That's pretty brave of you to come forward seeking help. I don't really have any personal knowledge of that but is it possible that it is a delayed reaction that needs time to wear off? I know it must be somewhat frightening to you but if it persists I would seek the advice of a professional, maybe a Dr. specifically. i wish you all the best and hopefully things will get better for you. Please be good to yourself from here on in......

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      Thank you for your advice, I really do hope that it does wear off soon...
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    I'm afraíd Cannabis isn't a mild drug any more. 40/45 years ago it was much milder and transient --the effects didn't last. Then the seeds were crossed to make a hybrid plant which produced much stronger Cannabis resin. As you'll already know, your brain and nervous system contain different chemicals which not only control the physical balancs in your body but also maintain a balance in mental health too. Cannabis acts on these chemicals and there's now evidence that it can change the natural brain chemicals permanently. I'm afraid that Cannabis use at a young age isn't a great idea for long term health. With any  illegal drug you've no idea how it was produced, what it really contains ---there's  
  • Posted

    No standardisation in illegal drug production. What you do is up to you. You sound like an intelligent person, with a lot of life choices, experiences and good things still to come. It'd be a shame to waste that potential for a few spliffs that could contain .... Well anything really
  • Posted

    Hi there, well, it's pretty obvious you have a drug problem and one you obviously know is wrong to do. The main thing is that at 15 the brain is still develping and won't stop doing so till you are in your early 20's, any damage you do now is irreversible, but I am sure you know that.

    The brain fog you are getting is more than likely partly due to the toxic effects of doing so much booze and drugs. Your poor brain is trying to function and you keep dumping on it so it will do a kind of shut down to cope. Hence the brain fog.

    I urge you to try to give up all your bad habits. The false sense of happiness and false sense of doing good at school is not real. In the end your reality will not be a pretty one if you do permanent brain damage.

    Street cannabis is bred to have higher THC giving you the high, sadly it is also partly more the reason you will get brain damage. Medical marijuana is bred to have higher cannaboids, to help with pain relief and does not give the high.Dealers know this and prey on people like you to get the high and think they can just walk away from it. You have already seen how easy it is to get and what it does.

    Having a hang over is mostly what it sounds like you are having, but in a drug effected way.

    Drink more water to rehydrate the brain, which will help with the forgetfulness. Keep away from the situations which make you want to get high, and really try hard to say No when confronted with it. Your body and brain will say THANK YOU!

    Good on you for being honest and open. You will be fine.

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    I've been there. When I was in school when I was about 16/17/18 ish I was smoking daily. Getting mashed as much as I could really. I ended up so tired all the time and just reallyfelt fuzzy! It was certainly hard to concentrate, sometimes it was hard to focus my eyes, they wanted to just blur. Was all a bit strange.  

    I would say lay off the weed as much as possible, it is the one that will mess up you head out of all those you have mentioned. It is very strong these days.

    Ideally you dont want to be taking MDMA at all! But if you are going to do it try not to take it more than once every few months.

    Whilst we are on the topic, one of the main chemicals used to make MDMA is being banned to try and stop illegal drug chemists making it. This forces the chemists to find alternative ingredients to use and so the final priduct is a little different are making pills with PMA and/or PMMA in which is sorta like MDMA but is actually a lot more dangerous, basically you can OD on it really easy and end up well...dead . So what I am saying is dont take MDMA but if you are gunna take it get a drug testing kit so you know you're takign MDMA and not PMA PMMA! They are cheap and are very acurate. 

    Avoid weed all together mate, it is the one that will make your head strange.

    It's good you have reached out and I know it can be hard to not take drugs when all your mates are doing it. Could be time to just say no to them as it dosent make you feel good anymore which is the opposite of what drugs are supposed to do, so best leave em.

  • Posted

    Hello, I'm from the US so sorry if there are language barriers. I have been having problems with brain fog and constant headaches. Things get worse for me personally if I drink alcohol. Look into candida. It's an overgrowth of a bad fungus in your body and can lead to things like this. Change your diet and cut out alcohol. If you are scared about what is happening to your body, take care of it, its the only one you've got. Maybe this is your body asking for help in putting healthier substances in it. I started eating the paleo diet and organic food and it helped me a lot. Good luck.

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