I'm 47 and have had no period since I was 39

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my anxiety is through the roof for a couple of months now. i get pains and aches chest pains terrible reflux. the headaches and head tightness are terrible. i think i have every symtom of menopause going. i cant take take hrt due to my mother having breast cancer. im cobstantly thinking im going to die from these awful symtons. how long more will this go on for. only for this site i think i would be gone crazy as when i read all the probs you ladies share i know im not alone. i just want it to end. mt gp did menopause test when i was 39 and confirmed early menopause. thanks for any help or advice in adcance x

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13 Replies

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    HI sandra - i am so sorry for your suffering - i feel exactly the same as you although i am on the opposite end of the spectrum - i am 61 & started peri when i was 52, stopped menstruating when i was 55 - peri consisted of insomnia, flooding & some night sweats - the last year & 1/2 my life has been living hell - i too have had every friggin symptom & right now my anxiety is just through the roof - i also have this dread that everyone around me is dying (me included). i have never ever been a depressed person, but these emotional issues are taking their toll on me. its like the happy person in me has been sucked out & replaced with a miserable old witch - i have been on every supplement, acupunture, massages, meditation etc. i cant seem to shake it & i just want to wake up to my old self - if you figure out when this ends let me know - good luck!

    • Posted

      Hi Debra. You sound like me. But I breezed through peri. I stopped my period in 2010. Had no symptoms until 2014 but they weren't bad.

      This year has been a nightmare. Acne, severe depression, I also feel the same about the dying thing, gums are tender, no appetite(lost 20 pounds). Cannot focus at my job. After twelve years of doing it the same way they completely changed everything and it's awful. You are never finished. After my Supervisor noticed I wasn't myself and called me in her office to ask me if I was okay. I had a meltdown and they put me on FMLA leave for a month. I'm due back January 2, 2019. I'm no where close to being ready to return. I'm like you, I'm on the other end of the scale I'm 59.

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      HI juanita - i know that we have similar stories since i have followed your posts. i help my husband with his business, but i just do bookkeeping type stuff @ home. Frankly, there is no way i could keep a job feeling the way that i do. If i run errands or work for a bit, i have to lay down for a bit - i dont think that would fly in a regular job. This is interesting that you say you have no appetite. i put on the lbs during peri & am still overweight, but lately i wake up super nauseous and nothing sounds good to me. i dont believe i have lost weight but do find this new symptom interesting. i have always woken up super hungry, but not now - do you suffer from knee/tendon soreness? its really bad for me - Gosh i hope we are at the end of this nightmare. Take care -

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      hi juanita - when you say acne...is it rosacea? cuz i have been living with that little gem ever since about 5 years ago - so not fair!

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      Oh no it's acne. Whiteheads, little tiny bumps on my forehead, and sometimes the pimples get so big I have to pop them. Hooray for menopause! Not!😂😂

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      Usually it's my left knee, but it hasn't been bad lately. Earlier this year I would get up and it was like the bottoms of my feet and my Achilles heel would be sore. Ugh! Food doesn't taste like it used to. I think ours tastebuds take a vacation during menopause too.

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      OmG juanita - its my right knee & the bottoms of my feet & achilles tendons always kill me - you would think i was an exercise junkie with all my aches & pains - UGH! Sorry about your acne...but i have a red flushed face most days - UGH! Tastebuds shot! Nothing sounds good, i exist on soup & scrambled eggs, but cant really taste any of it! Just wish i'd lose the weight!

    • Posted

      Well, take heart, the sore feet and Achilles tendon thing did go away. Food tastes okay. I have to force it down. Right now I'm dealing with depression, muscle spasms, weird gum sensations, most days it's like 3pm before I get out of bed. I'm on leave from work right now. Don't know how I'm going to huh o back. I know this is all a process.

      I'm sorry you're feeling this way, but I'm glad for this forum.

      Tell me, do you feel like you're dying some days?

    • Posted

      hi juanita - well thats good to hear about the achy feet & tendon thing...my knee makes me crazy with discomfort - if it doesnt get better i will have it xrayed -

      i have felt really bad somedays with my physical symptoms so bad that i felt like i had something else going on besides menopause &every new thing like elevated inflammation & elevated glucose does make me go to the worse case scenario -

      i think for me the emotional issues of menopause - anxiety, feeling down & now this doom & gloom of OmG am i dying thing has really thrown me for a loop cuz i was never that person before. i worry about everything & my life is getting smaller - i found an excuse not to go to one christmas function - crazy, eh?

    • Posted

      The emotional issues have been the worse for me too, especially this year. A good friend has managed to drag me to a few things. I'm ashamed to admit I spent yesterday in bed. I was going to do all my chores and go to Church. Today its Christmas Eve, I was going to do the chores I put off and go to Christmas Eve service this evening. Guess where I am? In the bed. I'm not tired, I just don't know what's wrong. I used to be so happy and upbeat. I miss that person, and I want her back. I'm afraid l won't find her again. I pray all the time. God, this forum, and my friend have been my saving grace.

      No not crazy, that you didn't go to any Christmas functions. Like I said I have a friend that talked to me into doing a few things. I've been off work since Nov. 28. Am ready to return Jan. 2, 2019? No! The job is not helping my situation at all.

  • Posted

    You are pretty much describing my life too. So sorry we are going through this...hang in there!

  • Posted

    Merry Christmas Juanita & all the Peri/menopause sufferers - Praying for peace, love joy & balanced hormones & amazing health in the New Year -

    Juanita - i truly hope that your symptoms resolve & that you find the strength to return to work with a renewed sense of energy and calming mindfulness - Cheers to all!

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