I'm a nightmare
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Hello I'm having an awful time at the moment. I have been really stressed out for the past year and I don't know whether this is stress or menopause. I have palpitations during the night, especially when ive had wine, not sleeping, left side chest pain, feel anxious, scared. think every pain and palpitation is going to be a heart attack (I witnessed my husbands cardiac arrest a year ago) does anyone else feel like this? I'm 50 X
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Sassyr12a emma78858
Hi Emma
I'm sorry you feel so awful at the moment. Certainly sounds like it may be hormones, so worth you getting some blood tests done if you haven't already done so. The difference for me between usual anxiety and hormones, is it almost feels chemical if that makes sense. It's a huge surge of adrenaline, followed by crippling fear and it doesn't resolve itself easily with usual techniques. You can't under estimate the impact your husbands cardiac event either, I've had the same symptoms through trauma and grief. See what your hormone levels are like, and if nothing else it should narrow it down. I'm on bhrt and feel better than I did, but still help it along with herbal tablets , yoga, diet, exercise and mindfulness. I hope that helps, and you feel better soon xxx
debra16694 emma78858
Hi Emma - it sounds like you are definitely experiencing menopause symptoms; but, I also believe your are experiencing PTSD from what you dealt with with your husband. I know first hand what that traumatic situation can have on our stress hormones & all of that really makes any menopause symptom really bad. I personally think the reason why some woman experience horrific menopause symptoms & others don’t, may lie in the emotional stress some woman have undergone in their lives (just my dumb theory) However, I will say, I love wine, but I had to really curb drinking it because like all alcohol, it contains sugar & sugar really ramps up the cortisol/anxiety. I have often times thought, oh I will have a nice glass of wine to calm my nerves or deal with my stress only to find that it actually ramps up my anxiety & make me not be able to sleep etc. etc. I am 6 years post menopausal & believe or not, I still experience heart palps, random pains, burning, anxiety, depression, flushing, brain fog, headaches, blurry vision with low blood sugar feeling - I have had every test done...all good - we just need to find a way to cope with these issues....but don’t think for one minute stress doesn’t play a part in your symptoms - try to relax & be calm -
Guest emma78858
I can't say that the pain is normal. I experience the pain as well along with palpitations.
lana07071 emma78858
I have had two nightmare years. I had a few biopsies, various screenings with suspicious results and although it seems I am okay, other than a benign lump in my breast and head, and osteoporosis which was found due to a radioactive bone scan I had to go through. All this left me with low confidence in myself ( I used to be the opposite) and bad health anxiety. You may have anxiety. Bad sleep, palpitations, swears, shaking, feeling of doom, negative thoughts, etc. Horrible. I'm doing a bit better lately.
lucy007 emma78858
God i know how you feel for the last 500 odd days ive had insominia been throught soany different antidepressants then hrt even thougj i was still havong a perood now on the pill to control my hormones its left me with anxiety that i wont sleep during the night which makes me anxious all day knowing what is ahead of me i take sleeping pills like smarties i reaaly hate what's happening to me and i feel i am mo longer in control of my life i hate it so much i try every night to sleep but end up taking the pills around 2 as a full time working mum its so s**t and unless you have had chronic insominia i feel no one understands i hate life at the moment but i will have to drag my self up and keep going for my family