I'm an alcoholic - and I can't get out off of this Merry-go-round. Any advice welcome
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Some details: I've been a problem drinker since uni. I'm 33 now and I would say that I've been a full blown alcoholic for about nine years. I used to be a functional alcoholic, I had a terrific career in the heart of one of America's largest cities. Then aboit 2 1/2 years ago something really bad happened to me and functional turned very quickly into my destroying my career and having to move back in with my parents.
I'm back living in the city now. Five months ago somehow my tests all came back clear for any liver damage. So I guess I figured I was fine and could start drinking "modeeately". We all know what happens to that idea. I lost my full-time job two months ago and start drinking at about 2pm until I pass out. I don't have any energy, I always have some kind of headache, I'm getting nose bleeds (didn't have those before), and I feel like I'm dying. I have a part time job but I'm so depressed I can't motivate myself to look for anything real. If I keep going this way I know I'll die. And maybe that's okay. I'm just a shell of a person as it is. 1😔
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Hummingbird-S haleigh40556
Please please please watch the documentary film 'one little pill' x
Gareth51625 haleigh40556
Robin2015 haleigh40556
You have hit rock bottom and time to stop i think. Tough but possible. Google C3 Foundation website although in th UK. Joanna Tom C3 Foundation can guide you and assist you. What city of state you are in and she can explain where the best counsellor is. Try and make a plan 😀
lauren1206 haleigh40556
I'm 18 and an alcoholic I usually drink from 11:00 am till 6:00 pm on weekends but now finished college i drink way more. Only just started getting help and I thought it was a waste of time but honestly going to someone to talk to really helps especially if you don't know them very well. Please try and stop drinking even though you have no liver damage now doesn't mean it won't happen. you have a bright future its just taking baby steps each day it really does help you. I totally get where your coming from though I have no energy either or motivation to do anything. Just think about something you enjoy besides drinking and focus on that but maybe try and get some professional help it may work? hope your okay though