I'm been taking lorazepam 1 mg for about a month and a half and I'm now on. 5mg

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How would this be for me to jump from 1mg to. 5mg I'm trying to get off the medicine but I'm scared of the withdrawal that I would experience.. Is it OK that I went down a dose I been on 1mg for a month and a half some times taking it in the morning and evening on day I didn't feel to good.. Please help me get over this..


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Charles, I believe other people will give you a better response, but I will try. I was on 3 mg 20 years. Never knew this was a dangerous drug. It has taken me 3 months to get down to 1 mg and I am at my witts end. I have not had a good nights sleep in 3 weeks. Only sleep 10 minutes at a time and have severe night mares. I would do a slower taper if possible. but if you don't have any symptoms of withdrawal go for whatever you can to get off it. It doesn't make me want to do harm or anything like that, just feel awful. Headache, shakes, mood swings, etc. Don't forget to talk to your doctor about this. Everyone is different. You have a good chance of getting off this. Just keep your head up and do your best. Best of luck.


    • Posted

      Thanks for the information.. I took one 5mg this morning but still feel the anxiety hopefully this is a good choice for me I never been on this drug for this long..
    • Posted

      I will tell you I was prescribed.5 mg as needed and I barely used a whole .5 mg pill. Since day one I cut mine in half. I was given them in July when I was put on Zoloft for anxiety. But as of October I no longer take any- thank goodness- I weaned myself off by taking my .5 pill, cutting it in half and then I would cut that in half again. I did this for about two weeks and then I would skip a few days, as long as I could, and then I just stopped. Probably took me about a month of doing it like this. Since you’re at .5, I would cut that in half and take that for 2-3 weeks and when you feel comfortable then cut the half in half again and so on. U will basically be down to a crumb but believe me, you will be so happy to know that you’re almost off this stuff. 
    • Posted

      I only needed mine in the evening. So only once a day. Usually around 5-6 pm. My anxiety was worse at night due to having insomnia. So I was constantly panicking on not being able to sleep. 

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