I'm constantly sweating or damp skin all day and drenching night sweats. No hot flashes
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Hello, I'm 44 yrs old and for years I've had some night sweats but it seemed to be related to eating sugary foods at night and I was in my thirties when I noticed that . Then about a year ago I started to occasionally have haveh more heavy sweats at night about a week before my menstrual cycle begins. Then I started sweating off and on through the month during the day a few times. No hot flashes, normal periods . Now for two months I am constantly sweating constantly damp on my upper body do much my shirt feels slightly damp . I am having night sweats every time I sleep and even if I nap during the day . It is extremely heavy sweating while sleeping. Also this week I started sweating above my upper lip area. My thyroid levels are supposed to be normal and I have no diabetes. My underlying conditions are multiple sclerosis and I suffer from a fast heart beat that I'm having evaluated . I can't exercise or exert myself much because I get short of breath possibly because of my rapid heart beat that worsens with activity. I also was told I might be in very early stages of peri menopause. Just wondering if anyone reading this has had these symptoms with the constant sweating and no hot flashes and if so was it peri-menopause? .
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littleme1969 tam34579
tam34579 littleme1969
Oh my gosh I'm so sorry . I thank you for your advice and for sharing your struggle with me. This gives me hope in knowing that maybe I will actually live through this after all. I bet you are right about the underlying diseases making it worse on my diseases too. Interesting because my Ms has worsened more than it's ever been the past year. I will try to cut stuff out of my diet as you mentioned . You did say you sweat with little movement at times and that relieves me but do you ever just kind of feel sweaty or damp on your back neck chest area while doing nothing? Just wondering if you might have had that as well . I so hope you feel better and find more relief. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question.
lisa97672 tam34579
I started with night sweats early 40s. Never really had too much hot flashes. And like you before period came the night sweats were drenching. I would get up and change my pjs three times a night ! Ugh. But they seemed to let up many years later I am going on 52 and believe I am near the end of peri. Periods are erratic and lots of anxiety. Which i find to be the worse part. But I don't have the damp skin all day. But have had upper lip sweating. It's all part of peri. With your other health conditions I am wondering if that makes it worse for you ? Hope and pray your dang better. Hang in there, your not alone, and that is a great help to get support here 😊
tam34579 lisa97672
Oh thank you Lisa! I am so glad to know this . . Thank you so very much because I wasn't sure if I should be sweating without the hot flashes or if it was something else. I'm do sorry the anxiety has been bad for you. I can totally relate to that but it isn't because of peri . I had it prior so I suspect it will worsen for me . Thank you for your response. I hope this is all over for you soon , sounds like you are way ahead of me . You continue to hang in there too
lisa97672 tam34579
So welcome. I just got blood work back on my hormones. And my estrogen is very high. Oh boy, the fun never ends being a woman. Now I must wean off the HRT. My anxiety worse lately is why I w et. And estrogen dominance is a very good reason to have bad anxiety and insomnia Hope that in a few months I will be feeling better as one must wean down slowly. How are you doing with the night sweats. And thank you for helping me out. 😊
lena53512 tam34579
I feel that my inner temperature is higher, but according to the thermometer it is normal. I can bear cold weather better than before. Autumne with rains and winds and winter with snow now seem so romantic! And I also stopped wearing (and byuing) heavy layers of sweaters etc!