I'm experiencing chronic dizziness, nausea and panic attacks, any advice?
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Hi everyone - I am new to the group and wishing all of you well. I am 52 years' old and, according to blood tests, am post-menopausal, although it has only been three months since I last spotted. I woke up in the middle of the night on July 13 and have never been the same since. Chronic dizziness, heart palpitations, nausea, tingling, numbness, and panic attacks. Since that time, I have been to the ER (heart is fine), an ENT, a neurologist, two OB/GYNs, primary care physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, and acupuncturist. (I am seeing a cardiologist later this week.) I tried 20 mg Prozac for 12 days and had to stop because it made me so sick (no sleeping/eating for two days). Xanax and Clonozeapam made me more anxious and dizzy. I had to stop working but need to go back very soon as not working is not an option. I do not drink or smoke, and I exercise regularly. I also take vitamins, although I am hesitant to take Relizen or other such menopausal supplements because of potential side effects. Anyone else experiencing this and how are you coping? I want my life back; the anxiety is much worse now because of the uncertainty as to when this is going to end. Thank you so much for your help!
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donna38794 karen156794231
karen156794231 donna38794
2chr2015 donna38794
Kadija1966 karen156794231
Sassyr12a karen156794231
Hello Karen
Welcome to the forum, I'm sorry you feel so awful at the moment. Unfortunately it really can be like that, and it just becomes about having support, and strategies in place to get you through. My crash came in March, and like you the anxiety is really difficult to cope with. There's a list of 66 symptoms on the forum, which may help you to recognise which ones relate to menopause and hopefully allay some of your fears. I'm taking bhrt, and it has helped significantly but its not an exact science and so my dose will need to be adjusted. I'm not sure whether you've given any thought to hrt but it's worth considering if your symptoms are too tough to manage. There are loads of posts which will show that you're not alone with this, even though it can feel like you are. My advice on coping would be exercise (cardio is best), yoga, mindful meditation, plenty of fresh air, slow everything down and just be good to yourself, get a good gynae who can support and advise. I don't know how long it lasts, I'm not even thinking about it. Best to just get a strategy in place to help you cope whether that's holistic or meds and take it as it comes. Overthinking and catastrophising seems to come with the territory. We are always here for you Karen.... Just breathe ? xx
karen156794231 Sassyr12a
jude84900 karen156794231
Hi Karen,
What your experiencing is the downward spiral of lost hormones. Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone the main biggies. Not a pleasant feeling along with all the side effects that slowly creep in. You will probably notice your hair, skin and nails starting to change, and not for the good. Your weight no matter how hard you try seems to not go away. Sleepless nights, hot flushes and anxiety are all part of this craziness. I went through peri menopause for 10 years before my periods ended when I was 55. When the periods ended all heck broke loose and I didn't like what I was seeing or feeling. I read more stuff than I've ever read about menopause and hormone replacement. I suggest you do the same. I am on bio identical hormones consisting of estrodial, estriol, progesterone and testosterone. It is what gave me peace of mind, my sleep back, no more hot flushes, no more anxiety, no dryness down below, and overall gave me my life back. I am 58 now, feel great and will be on bio identicals from here on out. Finding a good doctor that knows what their doing, runs adequate lab work and looks and listens to your symptoms is key to success. Most general docs just don't know enough about menopause and what it does to a woman. They just haven't gotten the training past medical school. That's why they start ordering all the tests, that ironically all come back "normal" and then opt for choosing anti depressants because surely the woman is going nuts right? This is wrong. Our bodies are not starving for the lack of anti depressants they are starving for our hormones that so cruelly get taken away from us at this stage of our life. Past reproductive years its natures way. Problem is we live longer now than we ever have so if a woman goes into menopause in her 50's and lives to be 80, 90 or 100, that's a lot of years to feel miserable and quality and happiness in life are so important. Some women may get lucky and not have any problems after menopause but I think most will say well into their menopause they are still having difficulty sleeping and still having hot flushes. My own mother at 80 was still having problems sleeping, needing a fan blowing on her all night and having hot flushes. She had a hysterectomy at 55. That's 25 years of not feeling "yourself". I have no regrets. Good Luck.
debra16694 jude84900
Well said Jude! 🤗
Guest jude84900
I agree! At 41 and family history of heart disease...I am not a candidate for HRT, but I am considering getting back on oral BCP. I cannot help but notice, all my troubles started within a month of stopping long term use if them. But, of course... I have flipped my lid too in the drs eyes! I gave his anxiety theory 3 months on Lexapro...just weaned myself off...if this is all anxiety an AD should have made a difference... I should be dancing around now...but I am not! 😆
ampat1 Guest
I agree with you, for that reason I didn't opt for AD or antianxiety drugs. I did start low dose birth control pills, it helped but maybe I need to up the dose. I get very very light periods. Wish it would end already and get my life back. We are warriors, keep fighting,
Keep the chin up, we will come out of this with flying colors.
Finny2018 jude84900
Jude - this is such a great post!!!! I have read it at least 5 times! It puts into words SO much of what I feel and what I've been thinking and considering! You have also inspired me with your experience on the BHRT. I started with an over the counter progesterone cream and am having marked improvements; for that I am grateful. I am going to reassess how I feel at the 3 month mark on this cream...I am open to the bio identicals as well. Thanks again for your post, Jude.
Guest ampat1
I get barely a period also. Are there any specific symptoms you find it helpful for? I am having a hell of a time with . I go to obgyn in a couple of days... I am going to get a prescription for the combined pill I was on for 20 years. It can’t hurt...I’ll give that 3 mo and go from there! I honestly think I suffered from withdrawal symptoms when i stopped them last year. The dr i had at the time was adamant about me coming off them at 40. I never understood why... I don’t smoke. Then, when all my symptoms started, she was clueless. I kept saying it was from stopping 20 years on the pill, but was ignored. Instead, she had me go through. all kinds of tests. Needless to say I do not see her anymore! She was 30, I hope menopause hits her like a ton of bricks 😡
ampat1 Guest
I'm sorry lou, I hope your new Ob/gyn puts you back on the pills you were on before. For me, I've never taken birth controls until peri hell started in March. I feel pills are delaying my menopause but I don't want to stop taking it, I'm afraid all the symptoms will be worse. I believe it has helped with anxiety but down side my tinnitus is worse, I believe pills are responsible for that. It's not fair we have to go through all this.
Guest ampat1
My tinnitus has been bad lately too! However, I have had a lot of headaches, so taking pain relievers. An acupuncturist once told me that acetaminophen can trigger it. I swear my hearing cuts out on side too 😐
jude84900 Finny2018
Thanks Finny,
I'm glad you have gotten some relief from your progesterone cream. It was the first thing my Holistic doctor put me on after my lab work was complete and we were waiting for the results. The progesterone cream wasn't the whole answer for me but helped me get some much needed sleep at night from the hot and then freezing cold. Hope you continue to feel well.
2chr2015 Guest
Guest 2chr2015
Hello, Not like this. I would get tension headaches here and there...never interrupted my day. Years ago... I believe had 1 that would qualify as a migraine...only because I vomited. Since July 2017...constant migraines 2-4 days long. went of BCP June of 2017..,coincidence? 🤔
2chr2015 Guest