I'm going crazy with all these symptoms pelvic pain dizziness nausea and tiredness anyone else going

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Hi lady's I'm 45 and I've been dizzy with pelvic pain nausea and tiredness for over a week now all I want is to be in bed I've also had other symptoms before like tight chest pain on my elbow legs ive been eating alot and have gain 20 pounds sometimes I can't stand the smell of food sometimes I've had bad mood swings I can be happy one minute then upset the next and crying my eyes out for no reason I evening have been getting brain fogs I feel I'm going mad and scrared that they can be something wrong with me oh and let's not forget the headache and sinus that I get nearly everyday is anyone going through the samething can this be do to perimenopause please help I'm going insane.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes. I feel your pain. Dizzy, feel like I am going to pass out, pain, aches, tiredness, tummy problems, swollen ankle, heart palps, trouble sleeping, night sweats, bad anxiety, tingling, bladder spasms. I am sure there are more, I just can't think of them at the moment, Cuz I can't remember anything for more than 20 seconds! If your going crazy, there are a lot of us right there with you. Been having these problems for 3 or 4 years. Oh, along with flooding which feels more like hemorrhage and clots the size of my palm. I think we just have to learn to be kind to ourselves and give ourselves a break. Talk nicely to yourself like you would to a friend and don't push yourself to hard. Hugs.
    • Posted

      Thankyou so much for your reply and so sorry that you are going through this to it is so hard to live this way being fine one day and the next having to crawl out of bed the worst part is the dizziness feel like I'm going to fall over and the pelvic pain feels like I'm going to get my period everyday I can bare to sit down I have gained so much weight and these headaches it's a everyday thing I really feel for you Going through this for so long i guess my journey just started I really wish that god guides us through this process and that we can go back to our normal lives soon wishing you the best and I would try my best to be calmed thankyou onece more listing to you has gave me a sense of releave. Hugs.
  • Posted

    You are not alone Marisol. I have the dizziness, racing heart, fatigue, joint pain, horrible anxiety, extremely painful periods, headaches, internal tremors, jitters and shakes, feeling of low blood sugar, blood pressure spikes, night sweats, weird head pressure, insomnia and trillion more symptoms. I've just been going through this for about 8 months now and I'm only 39 in a few weeks. so i'm just getting started. I hope it doesn't last long for any of us. We're here for you and each other. You will get through this.
  • Posted

    All Perimenopause! Our bodies decreasing hormones during transition can cause havoc on our bodies! Mentally, physically and emotionally! Im having all these awful pains , aches and anxiety due to this hormones transition! Praying we all get thru this sooner than later! 🙁 Being hopeful.

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