I'm going to love my fat belly!
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Today, I have decided to love my fat belly!
I know!
Tomorrow I will hate it again, but I've thought long and hard about how I could accept it for now and love it. It's a part of me! I have to love it! Or, at least manage it.
I'm going to take Epsom salt or Rock Salt baths, throw in essential oils and RELAX.
Take peppermint oil after a meal.
Wear yoga pants on those bad days where it is huge and with my yoga pants, I will wear high heels, a pretty flowing top and makeup. If I feel like it.
I will buy maternity jeans, as my belly goes up and down they move with it. At least these jeans will fit my butt, as with bigger pants my cute butt is lost!! I will also dress in pretty flowing blouses when it larger and detract the eye away from this very large (loll) problem area.
My goal will be to walk for 20 or 10 minutes twice daily. If I can't, due to exhaustion, I will read or do something I love.
I will paint my toes nails, or my fingernails and feel pretty all over.
I will cultivate my inner child and try and have fun and do things I love. I have spent a lifetime caring for others.
I will get a sign to hang on my bedroom door saying 'gone fishing' or 'out to lunch' whatever, to have those times alone, or when I need to rest and sleep.
I will drink warm water and lemon juice upon waking. (It makes you pee!)
I will on some days make diuretic smoothies with parsley and all sorts of goodies I like (just add apple juice or fruit juice if you hate the idea. They are quite tasty).
I will say 'no' more often and not feel bad.
I will understand that my belly is just one part of me, I happen to have lovely eyes, I wish I had lovely hair! but I have lovely legs too. I will show these off to the best of my ability.
as Sophia Loren says, beauty is not physical it is how one feels inside.
I will do this one day at a time. If you have any to share please do and GOD BLESS. XX
9 likes, 17 replies
gailannie callianne_65675
Good luck on this. Just can't get there myself.
Marisa02082 callianne_65675
DaisyDaze callianne_65675
So inspiring! Uplifting! I love your attitude! It makes me want to do the same and skip joyfully up and down the sidewalk in the city. I'm not joking...I really admire your attitude!
Toddpodd DaisyDaze
Toddpodd callianne_65675
janeben callianne_65675
Love it! Great attitude!
As women, we're all guilty of being negative about parts of our bodies...most men love themselves whatever shape or size!
I'm a petite slim woman but still have bits I'm critical of...so I'm going to try and take a leaf out of your book and appreciate those parts!
Thank you 😊
callianne_65675 janeben
I know when I am down about my belly, I tend to neglect the rest. I keep saying to myself 'I have a belly, but I am more than my belly!'.
Guest callianne_65675
OMG ! You go girl! Love it! Let's go to belly dance classes together and shake that thang!
callianne_65675 Guest
I would SO love that!! In fact, you've given me a great idea. I think I will, Oh my gosh. I'm looking right now for a belly dancing class.
maisie05 callianne_65675
Hi Callianne, some good tips in your post. I'm going to follow your lead and try some of them. One day at a time is the way forward.x
Shazanne callianne_65675
You go girl!! I applaud you! Wonderful to read something like this. Could you love my belly fat for me too - it may need some lovin' and its not getting it from me at the moment!!
Thanks for the smile - you're wonderful!
I knew I had to do something, I hated it so much!
The last few days I have been and have also decided:
To NOT read negative things about being mature or perimenopausal.
To choose different role models to aspire to. One's that are older, some that carry some weight and still look fabulous and also those that have that inner glow.
I sorted out my wardrobe and put the clothes I like and feel good in, to the front. (A gorgeous necklace can draw attention to my smile).
Shower time I use loads of essential oils and creams and I feel lovely.
I bought the prettiest shoes and painted my toenails and my feet look so pretty.
One day at a time, or like someone said here, one moment at a time.
God Bless. x
DaisyDaze callianne_65675
What a perfect post! Seriously, when I look at people I know (or don't know), I do not think "what a fat belly." I think, "wow, look at that smile...look at the glow...her outfit/shoes/hair all look good."
I also love when I get random comments about my outfit, hair, etc., so I will try to compliment others. We do not know what they are going through personally.
Guest DaisyDaze
Yes, I have read this as "be kind... everybody you meet is fighting a battle of some sort." 💗
DaisyDaze callianne_65675
I read this every time I feel down. This is just an amazing post. Thank you again. I hope you are doing well!
Keep posting...you make me feel wonderful about myself!
callianne_65675 DaisyDaze
I'm so glad! I was having a really hard time with 'it'. My belly was ruining my life. Then I realized I have a belly, but I am MORE than my belly!
You know years ago, big butts were so not 'in', I can't wait for the belly to come back!! I always try to find sites, pages, photos of larger women with bellies who look so sensual and sexy. I can't believe I stopped doing my hair, stopped bothering with my nails, feet etc., because I felt like my belly was so bad. To be attractive is us as a whole. It's a package. I suffer depression so often the package is faulty! but we do this one day at a time. Sending you and your belly some love!
(I think my belly needs to start a blog and an Instagram account lol)