I'm living in a real life horror film!
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O.k, where do I begin? I'll start with my theory.
I believe I have bowel cancer that has metastasized to my Liver, lungs and brain.
Why do I think this?
In May of this year I noticed some blood in my stools, I also had an upset stomach and started having night sweats.
I reported this to my gp who put it down to stress and hemmoroids.
O.k I was happy with this even though he did no rectal exam. He told me to come back in 3 weeks if it continued. It did so I went back. This time he did a rectal exam and found a small pile and told me this is the cause of my bleeding.
The bleeding continued even when using the prescribed treatment.
I returned to the doctor and asked him to refer me for a colonoscopy. He said it wouldn't be quick but there are some tests he could do to speed it up so I did full blood count test. My liver enzyme, Alkaline Phosphatase was slightly high when I received the results. I didn't know what this meant but the doctors weren't overly concerned.
I got a referral for a sigmoidoscopy, which only sees the lower third of your colon. I think they thought I had health anxiety and all they would find was piles and send me on my way... they didn't, a polyp was found, therefore I had to wait for the histology of the polyp and arrange for a full colonoscopy. It was during this time that I started to have some strange symptoms. I had blurred vision and developed tinnitus in my left ear. I was happy to put this down to stress and aging. Anyway the polyp came back benign but another one was found at colonoscopy. I had a strange feeling about the guy who did the colonoscopy, he was quite arrogant and seemed to rush through the procedure, not even noticing the tattoo that was placed at the site of my original polyp or my hemmoroids.
Again I had to wait for the lab results of the polyp, I was still experiencing the ear ringing and visual disturbances, now with flashing lights in my peripheral vision and mini black outs.
The second Polyp came back benign, Phew! I presumed the other 'stress' related symptoms would subside, they didn't.
I also developed intermittent pain under my right ribs, very dark urine and constantly floating stools.
I reported all these symptoms to my doctor, several times and asked for my liver function bloods to be done again.
Before the nurse took my blood she remarked that my blood pressure was high and was this normal for me? It wasn't, a week earlier it was fine, I was asked to monitor it at home for a week and it just kept getting higher at one point I went to the A and E with heart palpitations and blood pressure of 180/110! I was told it was panic attacks and a psychiatrist spoke to me and sent me home with leaflets about health anxiety.
Since then I have felt more and more ill, weak and tired. I've been back to the doctors and a and e several times with these complaints and they now think I'm a crazy hypochondriac and at one point I was very close to being sectioned. I've had a liver ultrasound, a head ct scan without contrast and a chest x ray and nothing was found, this doesn't ease my mind as I know small tumours and lesions don't show up on these scans and I continue to feel really unwell. the scariest are the visual disturbances and the unilateral tinnitus.
I went to the ENT about the tinnitus and they referred me for an MRI, however they only looked at my inner ear canals and not the full brain.
So here's my theory in full; The Colonoscopy missed a tumour or cancerous polyp. The disease has spread to my liver which is causing my raised enzyme and dark urine. The disease has spread to my brain causing the vision and ear problems.
My current symptoms are:- Blurred vision with flashing lights, momentary blackouts, auras when looking at lights, Unilateral tinnitus in my left ear, Night sweats, continued weight loss, Dark urine, liver pain, palpitations, high blood pressure and permanently floating stools.
I now feel like the nhs won't touch me as they think I'm nuts, my own friends and family no longer believe me and I feel like I'm dying day by day and no one will believe or help me.
I'm so lost.
Any advice would be appreciated. This has been going on for 4 months now.
I am a 45 year old man who is a teacher not some 14 year old hypochondriac.
Thanks. J
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kim12266 jason29076
i think u are over thinking things and what u have is not cancer related a mass in the brain would be picked up without contrast dye even if they was small my son had a small tumour in his about the size of a pea and that was picked up on mri ....4 months for bowel cancer thats spread that far to the brain etc u wouldnt have long left to live my son passed away within 6 months of his cancer spreading and he had it pretty much in the whole of his abdomin spine and legs etc it would greatly reduce your quality of life and u would not be able to live the normal day to day life my son was wheelchair bound
my son had a tumor in his lung i meant to say which was pea sized doctors dont usually miss these things if they are there they are usually found
harrishill1 jason29076
Hi Jason. The first thing to look at, is what drugs you are taking. Many drugs can cause ringing in the ear, and floating stools. Also, many illnesses include ear ringing. My disease, does, and I just ignore it, cause I know the cause. Pain meds can cause hallucinations. I was on one , and it caused me to hallucinate and have jerky movements. The bleeding bothers me. Ask your doc if your blood test showed red and white blood cell counts to be high or low. This would tell him if you should see a specialist or not. I have night sweats related to my disease which is polycythemia Vera. However many other illnesses could cause this. The weight loss is a symptom that something could be wrong. Hope my suggestions are of some help. Best wishes,
Amz87 jason29076
to me its sounds like youve developed health anxiety. I do think something is going on because floating stool is not normal but doesnt meant cancer.
Your other symptoms can be all anxiety related (unfortunately) i get high BP when im extremely nervous/anxious/having a panic attack. palps, sweats, tremors etc
One of my husbands best friends had bowel cancer at 32/33 years old. )He was fobbed off at 1st as well. Hes lucky he pushed for a 2nd opinion and the cancer had only spread to one node.
Get a 2nd opinion.