I'm looking for help on dealing with groin cysts.
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Hello everyone. This is my first time trying to reach out on an online forum for advice on dealing with Hiddadenitis Suppurativa. I've had this condition for almost 10 years now, and I sometimes get really painful, large cysts on my inner thigh to where it rubs against my groin area and clothes. I can't figure out what causes these large flare-ups, as I haven't eaten anything out of the norm (I've actually been eating way healthier than I used to), and I have been very active for the past 6 months (this is my first big flare-up during this time period). Does anyone have suggestions on how to prevent these flare-ups? Does anyone have suggestions of how to subside the unbearable pain prior to the cyst either opening on its own or having it lanced? I've been applying a topical antibiotic ointment prescribed by my dermatologist a while back, and have been covering the cyst with a gauze pad; is this okay for me to do? Or should I not have it covered? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you
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nicole08254 AnHSsufferer
AnHSsufferer nicole08254
nicole08254 AnHSsufferer
mitch16467 AnHSsufferer
First and foremost, do not put on your clothes while your skin is still moist. TMI, but I used to do this after showers all the time. Big no no because although HS works differently than regular cysts, some things remain the same. Going to the beach or being in a pool is a big problem for me because I can't have that area wet and rubbing againts moist clothes or else I'll get a NASTY falre up. So now after I shower I sit in front of a fan until I'm completely dry.
Try using antibacterial soap when showering as well. Idk if that works for other people but I've noticed it makes a difference for me.
Also, very important...USE WARM/HOT COMPRESSES when you feel a cyst coming up. IT IS A LIFE SAVER. Perferrably in it's early stages that so that you get blood flowing to that area before it gets worse. Trust me, this makes a difference. Lancing hurts like a b****. Anyway, just soak up a clean peice of towel in the hotest water you can handle and press it against the cyst until the towel is warm and REPEAT for 20 minutes a couple of times a day.
I heard diet is also a big factor. Personally, it's been hard enough for me to eat clean as it is that I haven't had the willpower to cut out nightshades just yet
Other than what I've just mentioned. Stress is the primary culprit of all my worst flare ups, so I try to de-stress as much as possible.
nicole08254 mitch16467
mitch16467 nicole08254
Stress is a HUGE factor. I was in remission for a while (first few years of being in a wonderful relstionship) then I started having crippling anxiety 6 months ago and BAM! Got a cyst so bad that I had to get it incised and drained
Since then I've had the most horrible flare up since when I first got HS. These have been the most stubborn cysts I've ever gotten because they don't drain on their own, so now I know for sure stress and emotions are a big component. Everyone is different though!
skellitor AnHSsufferer
Hi there. It's likely that you haven't had a bad cysts in this time period because you have been active. Sweating lots clears out your pores and stops them from becoming clogged up, from ingrown hairs from occurring, and therefore, from cysts forming.
I've tried using hot compresses on cysts in the past to get them to come to a head but with no luck. I honestly don't like the idea of it either. An inflammation thrives on heat so while you're trying to thin the skin at the top to get the cyst to drain, I don't believe that it's the best thing to do for it. I'm not sure that there is a lot that you can do once you have a cyst so I'm afraid that I'm no use there. I generally go to the doctor to get a round of antibiotics. they will usually give you flucloxacilin that you have to take on an empty stomach (don't even drink anything other than water, to get the strongest effect from it) four times a day (ie one hour before/two hours after food). It's not immediate but it will get rid of it fairly quickly. If the flux doesn't work for you ask for doxycycline.
To avoid getting cysts keep up the exercise, you could even just try some planks while you have this painful cyst, to get some sweat flowing. Make sure you shower immedaitely after and use an anti-microbial wash like Dermol 500 (prescription) and try not to be sitting around in sweaty/wet clothing.
Hope that helps some!