I'm Not Alone!!!
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I just happened across this forum and I sure am happy about it!! I don't even know where to begin. But like all of you I'm searching for relief and answers. I had surgery on my right wrist for 2 torn ligaments 12/8/15. I developed shoulder pain during the time I had my cast on, which was too tight. I had to have the cast taken off 2 weeks early (and it should have been much earlier). Because the cash was too tight, I developed CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome), which required a 2nd surgery. All the while my shoulder was aching, but not yet stiff. Somewhere along the line the pain became worse and the stiffness set in. I have been going to physical therapy for my hand/wrist and along the way they startied working with my shoulder also. I just started massage therapy a couple of weeks ago hopiing they can help break up the adhesions. My massage therapist has had Frozen Shoulder in both of her shoulders and we are really working together to find new techniques and so forth. I'm afraid that no matter what, this is just something we have to wait out. And hopefully the massage will at least give a little relief. Once I am done with physical therapy on my hand/wrist, I think I will just stop the PT. As I've read, others felt it just caused more pain...and I'm in agreement with that. Thanks for being here!
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cindy_45475 Laura_K
We are always here to chat , take care
Cindy x
Je_n Laura_K
Sorry to hear about your condition. Hopefully the massage help. I also stopped physical therapy, was waaaay to painful and inflamed me for days. Think my FS (Frozen Shoulder) started last August, 2015. Out of nowhere. Immediately a Diabetic and am now understating that Diabetes are a bit different and scar tissue is apparently more dense. Everyone is different without FS, but this forum is GREAT! Look through some of the old posts, we all complain and support each other. I have learned so much here.
If you can tolerate heat, do try hot baths with epsom salts. Only thing that has kept me sane, that and Norco pain killers and this forum.
frozen_stiff Laura_K
cindy_45475 Laura_K
Hang in there Laura
Je_n Laura_K
cindy_45475 Je_n
cindy_45475 Laura_K