I'm not sure about amlodipine

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I have been taking 5 mg of amlodipine for almost a year.  Recently, I have begun to experience things that I am not sure are caused by this medication.  I cannot sleep through the night because I get extremely hot and wake up.  I don't sweat--I just get hot.  I think I am having panic attacks which I havent had in more than 20 years.  I get sensations like i cannot breath, I feel really jittery, really shaky and faint. I also have periods of lightheadeness.  Every joint in my body is stiff or achy.  I cannot concentrate or finish simple tasks--no motivation.  Today, I managed to walk a mile although it was a struggle.  I returned home and made a breakfast of two waffles, a half teaspoon of syrup and one sausage link.  After eating I went out to begin watering plants.  I began to feel week, shaky, jittery as though I was going to pass out.  Of course, I panicked which did not help things at all.  This feeling lasted about an hour and has left me completely frightened.  I do not take any other meds.  I have scheduled an appt with my dr. but that is 12 days from now.  I have decided to reduce the amlodipine gradually, but I am wondering if I need some other kind of intervention.  I am a mental mess because of several illnesses and deaths of friends and family--including my dad. Any thoughts or ideas would certainly be appreciated.  One more thing, I am now afraid to leave home, especially alone.  I am thinking of calling off my vacation trip.   I think amlodipine is part of the problem because I cannot function on this med---I even left my career because of it.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Patricia. I did take Amlodipine until I started to suffer the same side effects as you are. If you look at other posts relating to Amlodipine you'll know you're not on your own. The side effects I had caused me to stop it immediately and now I just take Losartan and monitor my BP at home. My joints ached, I had insomnia, was constantly tired and feeling anxious. You have taken the right step in my opinion by going to see your doctor.
  • Posted

    Patricia, with the side effects you have mentioned, including being a "mental mess", I think you should ring your surgery explaining those symptoms and ask for an urgent appointment to get your medication changed.  Don't wait 12 days.
  • Posted

    Hi Patricia

    I have also had a bad couple of years and have just found out that most of my problems were exacerbated, if not caused, by Amlodipine. I had all the symptoms you have stated and more. I would definitenately try to see your GP sooner if you don't feel comfortable about stopping them immediately. Don't be fobbed off either, by them telling you it's not due to the drug, the only way to find out for sure is to stop it and see in my opinion.


  • Posted

    Hi Patricia,  I was suffering some of those symptoms you ae mentioning after only 1 month on this medication which frightened me a lot.  It was particularly difficult because I look after my father in his own home (he is 102) and my husband doesn't drive.  It became impossible so I came of them.  Within days I was feeling very different and much more back to my old self.  I have arthritis in my lower back and neck and it attacked my left knee where the sciatic nerve goes down.  This hasn't resolved itself so far but I am waiting.  Don't be fobbed off as others say as I had to get quite firm with my GP about this drug.  I wish you well and hope you feel better soon.

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