I’m panicking and terrified
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i had sex and he did get a bit rough a bit early before i was ready and then 6 days later i notices one spot type thing on the inside near my vagina and also one on my skin that i touched and now there are some more there where i touched. I have worn thongs that do rub in that area and i do shave and and sometimes accidently cut myself. they're not painful and dont itch or bother me at all and i have no other symptoms, its just them spots that I've had for about a week now and they haven't changed since they appeared. Not sure if they're caused from friction or shaving or if your period can cause them as i came on a couple days after they appeared or if they're some type of warts or something else. I'm going to see the doctot but im terrified and cant stop overthinking what they are
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julia87264 AM1997
What do you use to clean your vulva? It's very dry and can be prone to getting easily injured
AM1997 julia87264
i have been using the fem fresh soap
julia87264 AM1997
Also, these spots can be caused by friction. If possible, use lube when having sex and be cautious with the underwear you wear
AM1997 julia87264
thank you, I know i have some underwear that does rub so will start to be cautious of that
mila18756 AM1997
Is he a new partner? If so i d get checked for STDs. The inner stuff could be friction, the outer ones my first thought was HPV, but I m not a doc.
AM1997 mila18756
Going to the doctors on Thursday morning to have a look at them
Guest AM1997
hi there, have any of the bumps popped or became crusty looking ? when you first noticed them did they burn or itch ?
AM1997 Guest
they havent changed since they appeared they've just looked like that they're not itchy and dont burn