I'm scared and suffering

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Hi I've had some nausea science 9:30pm, I woke about 1:00am with some general abdo pain near my navel, it was on and off so I went back to sleep, I've woken up around 7:30am with the same pain but it hasn't faded I still feel extremely nauseated, and now its 11:20am the pain is radiating slightly to my lower right abdomen and is getting a little more intense and kinda 'sharp' feeling where as it started of dull, before the pain I was passing stool often now I've become slightly constipated (pain came first!) And i don't seem to want to eat either, I'm running a temp. of maybe +/- 37.8 ish and I'm 14 and male I've not yet vomited, and its painfully to press on my abdomen, pls urgent response is needed (I'd rather not tell a parent unless I absolutely have to because they don't have much trust in me and would probably think I'm faking 😂wink

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Better tell a parent it could be appendix and you need to go to a doctor or hospital.   Push down on your right side a let up fast if it hurts it could be that and if it is can’t wait around.  Show your mom this post!
    • Posted

      I have but there's no a&e near us, and we don't drive so wed have to call emergency services for transport and if its not appendicitis then its a waist of time my mum never believes me but the epains become more intense now and is souly on the lower right and quite sharp.

  • Posted

    Appendix, you are describing the exact symptoms I had.

    Nancy is right you need to get it seen to. NOW.

    Easy peasy as long as it has not broken, otherwise you are going to be very sick, from burst appendix, so dealing with it earlier rather than leaving is better.


    • Posted

      The pains just on the right now and is quite sharp read the other message I replied to.
  • Posted

    Hi keelanjames

    It's imperitive e you show your parents these comments..if it's perontinitis your appendix could burst then your in trouble!!..tell your parent/parents immediately.....

    • Posted

      I don’t mean to scare you but take a taxi to hospital and check it out.  It is not funny...or give me your moms email address and I will message her....unbelievable, then tell your dad or call a friend of yours  mother and tell them.  Another sign it is appendix, if your breath smells like rotten apples or you are sick just once.   
    • Posted

      Call your grandparents if they live where you live or call them anyway...
    • Posted

      Hi keelanjames

      I cannot believe a parent could be sooo unconcerned about their child...you need to see a healthcare professional ...is there no other adult you can tell an aunt or uncle grandmother etc., to go with you to the hospital.....otherwise you will have to get there yourself or if the pain gets real bad ring emergency services yourself...but it would be better to see a doctor before the pain gets any worse...

  • Posted

    Tell your parents immediately and get to a doctor to verify if it is a bug or appendicitis.
  • Posted

    Ji guys I'm going to the doctor at 5:00 pm so in 2 hours and I'll see what he says but also I've noticed a lump in my scrotum its not hard but not soft and isn't really attached to my testicle, could it be a hernia or is it likely something worse

  • Posted


    Hi guys my abdominal pain has suddenly got a lot worse I'm passing less urine than usual and I'm unable to pass gas or stool, and I feel very nauseated and nearly vomited my docs appointment isn't for another hour but the pain has suddenly gone all over my lower abdomen and I have a temperature of 38.6°c and its really sharp pain I'm lead down in the fetal position its that painfull

  • Posted

    Call a friend's parents, teacher or some other relative. Fever and pain are a strong indication that something is wrong inside. Do not delay. Get someone to take you to a doctor right away. Keep us posted. 

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