I'm scared as no one will listen so much wrong with me mainly my wieght and wanting surgery but I'm

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im so scared at what to do i as I have chronic asthma and bad ibs and a hiatus hernia and obese and I'm only 21 had asthma all my life and ibs but only had the hiatus hernia for a couple or more years but it's gotten so bad I have nearly ended up in hospital from the pain I keep getting it  like the hiatus hernia and ibs don't get along iv tried every diet every food every tablets I'm on ESA as can't walk to far or I'll faint and the headaches are out of control I'm in and out of the docters from having 18 chest infections in the last two years and to do with whatever is wrong with me but they won't listen iv tried about ten or more diffrent doc docters but no ones will really listen scared so scared I feel lost to my wieght isn't helping at all I have depression so you can guess That's not helping i feel so alone as I'm poor living with my mum and sister cos I'm on ESA there charging the rent more yet I only get tiny amount of money so bad havent got food I should be a stick by now but my wieght won't go my one thing in want is my wieght to go I but I cant excercise as I it hurts and and can't eat fruit hernia doesn't like its and wheat ibs don't like that so can you so how I feel so lost  I want gastric bypass it's the only option now but the docters won't is ten they rufuse listening help me please I beg of you 

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Firetailbird21

    Heres a diet for you:-

    Brekki: Cereal

    Lunch: Natural yogurt with fruit

    Tea: Fish n veg chicken n veg

    Fish n salad chicken n

    Salad.. fresh veg soup..

    Mix n match...bag of

    fresh veg £1 in tesco and

    Lidl....fish n chicken

    reasonably priced in Lidl

    If using mayo or sauces

    buy low cal. Can have

    pasta and chick n tomato

    sauce with onion n garlic.. or chick or turkey mince .. make pots of it to

    last also veg soup.....

    This diet is not


    Drink water and eat fruit in between....can have tea n coffee n sweetener......no sweets or choc.....crisps...

    If you really want to lose the weight stick to it and you will lose weight also walk to the supermarket and back.......try it and see......best wishes...

  • Posted

    Also green tea is said to be good for weight loss, but all in all Lilian has given you a perfect agenda. Im sure we can both reasuure you that your health will regenerate to a better level if you stick to this...now and in the future.
  • Posted

    Hi Firetailbird21

    If you cant eat wheat stick to porridge oats..or any other oaty cereal or bars ....if you cant eat fruit then have natural yogurt with maple syrup or honey,,, don't eat fruit if it hurts your hernia or anything else between meals. 

    You have no excuse, stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something positive

    now!.. Its the only way you are going to lose the weight!.....best wishes..

  • Posted

    Thank you all I'll give it a try and don't worry I won't be eating fried food as I'm allergic to most oils so that's good use wish me luck a friend suggested to get me started a Kellogg diet as its good in my way but I'm not sure if it works anyone been on it 
    • Posted

      Hi Firetailbird21

      Ive no idea what a kellogg diet is....sounds as if you have to eat cornflakes...so a cornflake diet.....I dont think so......look!....I went on the diet I recommended to you....it was my own diet..I did not get it from anywhere or anyone.....all I know is it works! I lost three and a half stone over a period of time....you can do it too! I incorporated walking along with it.......try it....you can lose the wait if you follow it...summers coming ...just think how much slimmer you can be by then!..good incentive..go for it!!.....I dare you....let me know how you get on...if you need a bit of encouragement send a message on the forum...best wishes...

  • Posted

    Hi,  I understand, particularly about how impossible it is to find anyone to understand because of how confusing and improbable it all seems. Oil is by

    far the hardest to work around. If you are like me, when I ingest oils of any kind, breathing becomes more difficult. I got botulism from rancid oil in some flour I made cookies with. I can no longer eat flour, oil or sugar. If I do any of these too much, paralysis of the limbs occures and breathing becomes mucus filled and laborious. All I can suggest is to try going organic and uncooked foods. Study a raw foods diet.

    Uncooked oils in moderation such as coconut may work. You are going to have to scamble to become your own healer. I know how disruptive this is to social and family life. Hold your tongue and don't tell your story too much. Wait until you have discovered on your own how to make a few things work on your own. Then, share that. Otherwise, your story will be one of defeat that will reinforce itself by the telling of it.  You are on your own here. Think of it as learning to play an instrument no one else has seen or learned to play.  

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