I'm so afraid to sleep now. Are my symptoms anxiety?

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I honestly can't sleep right now since I'm experiencing so many things that make me feel like I'm dying. My chest feels weird, shortness of breathe, tingles in my hands and feet, trouble swallowing, can't focus right now, I feel detached right now mentally and I'm so scared now. I'm not sure if all these symptoms are anxiety related, but I'm not sure if anyone has dealt with the same symptoms I'm going through. I have really bad panic attacks and I find it so hard to control them alone. Does anyone have tips on how to calm myself whenever I feel anxious? Anxiety also makes me very drowsy as well for no reason and I find it hard to stay awake sometimes. I would love some help on how I can control my anxiety and learn how to overcome it. I would deeply appreciate a response from anyone willing to help me out and tell if my symptoms are anxiety related.

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    I am really sorry this is happening to you. I can relate very well! And yes, your symptoms are very common with anxiety and stress. Mine started in my 20s all of a sudden. I am now in my 50s and I tell you that so that you know these symptoms will not hurt you.

    over the years I have learned a lot about anxiety and it’s management. There are therapies and ways to reduce the anxiety and symptoms in the moment. And there are ways to work at it every day so that you can manage it better in the long run. Some examples for in the moment management would be

    1. practicing daily mental exercises of being in the present moment which is very important. You can find very short meditations on YouTube about this. Being in the present moment keeps you out of the negative thoughts of the future and the past. It trains the brain to stay present., And this is where you will find the most peace in your mind.
    2. when you can’t sleep, you can turn on some very relaxing talks or meditations found on YouTube. like

      . Some meditations for anxiety, sleep, relaxation, etc.

      3.. do things that relax your mind. When the mind is relaxed, the symptoms diminish. go for a walk, take a nice warm bath, watch a funny movie, spend time with family and friends period, etc.

    3. Focus on anything and everything positive! If the news upsets you, don’t watch it!
    4. give your brain a break and stop or reduce social media, being on the phone, all of that stuff. We don’t need it as much as we think we do. And it has a negative impact on us.
    5. proper breathing with anxiety is very important in calming down the brain and symptoms. There are great little breathing exercises also found on YouTube for this.
    6. reducing symptoms is a goal, but more importantly it’s reducing the anxiety in the brain. The anxiety is what causes the symptoms.
    7. it’s often difficult to do this on your own. And that is why I recommend getting some counseling if you can’t seem to get a handle on it. Talking with somebody in person has helped me very much!

      I hope this helps you a little bit. Remember, one day at a time and challenge yourself to do Some of these things every day. especially focusing on being in the present moment because that actually retrain the brain. We can actually change the chemistry in the brain if we work at it. Take care!

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