I'm so fed up.
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I had my hormones checked recently, and apparently I'm not in menopause/peri menopause. THough I've had shortness of breath and the feeling like I'm about to keel over and die from a heart attack. Breathless walking up stairs and this is considering that I'm healthy, at a decent weight, and it just doesn't make sense.
Four times in the last month I've been to accident and emergency thinking I'm having a heart attack. My symptoms are chest tightness, a feeling of a tight band around diaghram area, chest fullness, shortness of breath to the point that I panic which makes it worse...
I can't deal with this anymore. Doctors do tests and everything always comes back normal.
Please tell me that I'm not the only one going through this. I need help π¦
3 likes, 15 replies
sara97862 loonarider
Hi Loona, you arent the only one. I have seen my Dr more in the last 6 weeks than in the previous 6 years.
Bloodwork, xrays, ct scan of pelvis and abdomen... all normal.
How can I feel so sick if everything is normal?
Hugs to you,
loonarider sara97862
Thank you Sara, sorry you're going through this, but its good to know I'm not alone and we can all share and find solace here.
Hugs back x
susane84679 loonarider
no, you are not the only one going through this. many of us have or is having the same symptoms and more. pollen is really bad where I am right now and that makes it worse. may I ask how old you are? just because blood tests say no does not mean you are not in peri. it took 3 years for mine to actually show hormone levels were dropping. I'm in year 6 of this nightmare, went 8 months with no period and then last month it was back. it is so very frustrating and discouraging but it will end eventually. I refuse to let these symptoms control my life so I live my life as best I can. I have days where I struggle but I'm having more good days then bad at this point. hang in there and try to live your life as you always have. it is not easy but be stronger then this crap we're all going through. a really great support system helps too! best of luck to you and remember that we are all in this together and are here for each other. sending hugs!
loonarider susane84679
I am 41, going to be 42 in a few months eek!
Don't look it, but starting to feel it.
I just want to breathe again, its so uncomfortable. So sick of the feeling of impending doom π¦
Thank for your response, I hope we all get through this best we can xxx
sally15609 susane84679
Hello Susane. was there a time frame where you started to feel that your symptoms have subsided in the 6 yrs ? Or have they remained the same ?
sara97862 susane84679
You are so right about the symptoms being worse when the pollen count is high. There is definitely a correlation for me.
It is encouraging to hear that as you skip more periods, it seems more good days happen. My cycle length is all over the place unpredictable right now, so I am in the worst of it, I think. I hope once I start skipping multiple months in a row, maybe I'll have a few more good days.
For the record, I am 49 next month.
susane84679 sally15609
hi sally,
they have definitely subsided in the last year or so. I still have bad days but nothing like the early days. now it is mostly the head and breathing but like I said, the pollen has alot to do with that. I've had a bad couple of days this week but it's mostly due to my best friend losing her husband of 46 years unexpectedly on Tuesday. anxiety has kicked up a little bit because of my concern for her, and we're leaving for vacation on monday so my emotions are all over the place. other then that, most days I feel pretty good. it does get better, and symptoms lessen as we get further into it. I hope this gives you some peace of mind that it will not last forever even though it feels like it's been just thatπ
Rainbow976 loonarider
Hang in there! All my main issues started right after turning 40 as well. Digestion and increased heart rate or internal panic feeling were the initial symptoms, these sent me to the ER two times in 5 months time. I would feel like my heart was coming out of my chest.
With no help from Drs, after thinking I was dying of course I went down the path of Candida, Parasites or Food allergies. Long story short, I tried eliminating different food groups, tons of supplies, RX for reflux, etc. During this time I lost a lot of weight, was nauseous constantly and couldn't eat.
Unfortunately, I can't say what helped because I tried so many things out of frustration, something helped or this symptom passed on it's own.
I also decided that it could just be a big spike or decline in a hormone, it seems to be worse around ovulation time or 2-3 days before my period. Maybe our bodies are running low on hormones and trying desperately to do what it has been doing since puberty lol.
Try to pay attention to when the anxiety feelings come on. For me it seemed to be after eating wheat or dairy AND when I hadn't eaten in a long time. Like if I woke up and had coffee with no food. Also see if supplementing with magnesium glycinate helps, I think this really helps me with the anxiety type symptoms.
And if you can identify a pattern, that alone will put you at ease a bit. Once I expected a racing heart when I lied down to sleep every month before my period , I realized I probably wasn't dying and there is comfort in that I guess.
Rainbow976 sara97862
I agree with the pollen count, like clockwork I feel worse and shed more hair this time of year.
In the winter, it's quick changes to barometric pressure as weather changes. Unfortunately I live in Colorado and we frequently have a 20-30 degree change in temperature in a few hours as a storm comes in.. it's brutal.
I think our whole system is overly sensitive to everything during this time. I just wish I knew why it doesn't happen to all women, just us lucky ones.
sally15609 loonarider
It's not only you. Trust me. Yesterday at work i had chest tightness, imbalance, headaches, stiff shoulder and heavy chest feeling followed by bad breathing. I wanted to run to the hospital but knew it was down to hormones. Plus i cannot afford to take more days off of work. Today i am fine just pain behind my right calf and feeling a slight headache and stuffiness which i can manage. I noticed with all this hormonal crap going on is that i have some good days and some bad days. Those test that the dr takes are not the real hormonal test a friend told me. Go see a dr that specializes in hormones. I have an appointment with one in 2 weeks. I too went to my family dr and results came back that i am not in peri and meno but i have most of the crazy symptoms. All she wants to do is put me on zanex which i said no too. This forum has been everything to me and God. I love you ladies and hugs to you all
Keljo48 loonarider
First I will say that I am 51 and 2 years post menopause. I had this happened to me with the hormone test initially and my Dr told me I was not in menopause. I wanted to grab her by her shirt and say" Are you KIDDING me?" lol
Many Drs don't even understand peri menopause I believe it's too much a gray area to them so it just doesn't exist. They didn't study it in med school, they more than likely didn't deal with it in internship or residency. So it just doesn't exist to them. We all have some similar issues but most of us are on here to find a kinship and fellow sufferers because (at least for me) we don't want to be alone with what we are going through.
We wonder is this hormones playing ping pong with our bodies or is there something more sinister. It is makes it all so worst when a Dr fails to understand the whole scope of what can be going on. It adds to the stress and worry which can make symptoms worse.
Anyway it took me actually going into menopause (waiting for the full year to "graduate" to post menopause.)before my hormones registered in bloodwork. My GP refused to have them tested again after the second time. But my GYN did.
Also even after postmenopause hormones still fluctuate (or at least mine do) and my NP said it is perfectly normal. Though I haven't felt normal in years and I am completely fed up with the quality of medical in my area.
staci88515 loonarider
Every test I have taken has been normal including my obgyn panel. You are not alone. xo
sunaina1983 loonarider
My hormone level also donot show peri range....my Dr told its not peri..but me suffering from last year..having soo many peri symptoms everyday..
Donot worry..Hormone level change every day...soo sometimes they come out in peri range.
clare49965 loonarider
Sorry to say this, but i suspect you are having panic attacks.
They are terrifying, your heart aches, you feel short of breath, pins and needles. Awful, you literally feel like you are dying.
Google it, lots of self help things that will get you out of these.
Good luck
maddysmom2015 loonarider
You are not the only one! I have a panic disorder and it has been much worse in the last year. Before, I could journal and exercise and ward them off. When they would come I could usually tell "oh, there's a panic coming." Now there's no notice at all. And all the exercise and journaling don't help like they used to.
I have the same windedness after climbing 1 flight of stairs at work. Screaming for no reason in the dentist's chair, at the dollar store or waking me randomly in the middle of the night. (I had no fear of dentists until this past March.) Waking with dread. Not wanting to get up, and terrified I won't be able to get up and function "normally."
It would be worth seeing a provider to see if they will test your vitamin levels and maybe give you some support--meds or therapy. My morning dreads are better on B vitamins. And I take an Rx as a PRN when the panic is out of control.
It's worth googling estrogen and anxiety. They are completely linked.