I'm so sure something is wrong with me, but doctors can find nothing and now labelled as anxiety!
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Hi, I'm new here and posting in desperation as no-one is listening anymore.
5 months ago I started with discomfort in my right upper quadrant, following a kidney infection on the other other side, around the same time I started getting strange seasick dizzy spells, not spinning, more like feeling drunk, head foggy, ears full, hands feel detached and a bit shakey . Went to GP, ran bloods and all normal except slightly low B12 which was boosted by injection over Christmas, and low blood pressure but I am on a betab locker because I have SVT so that is not unexpected . However dizzy spells carried on after this. Over Christmas I also felt I was getting a bladder infection again, no pain just frequency, GP gave 3 days of Abs but made no difference to how I felt and when nurse retested urine it was clear. In January I started having night sweats, usually I sleep very well, but like flicking a switch I was suddenly waking every night with sweats I've never had before. I started to get very worried and this made it harder and harder to get back to sleep. The pain in my side was still here so I went to the GP again, she ordered an ultrasound which I have only just had which came back normal apart from my Rt kidney isn't quite in the the right place and may be floating. At the same time she prescribed Ameprazole in case the pain was stomach irritation perhaps caused by the strong antibiotics I had for the kidney infection and then bladder. That week I started to get a dry mouth and throat and a sort of cough that would happen when I laughed or talked. It made me gag uncontrollably in the morning until I ate, and sometimes during eating. I assumed this was probably from the ameprazole. I took those for 2 weeks and the side pain did ease, but after stopping them the throat and cough issue has persisted and now i have a constant dry feeling of a lump at the bottom of my throat. I am still gagging especially in the mornings and my throat and chest and stomach often feel a strange burning but cold feeling. Also at this time I got a very strange sensation in my gum on the ridge above my front tooth, like a tenderness which when pressed made my tooth hurt, I went to the dentist who can find nothing wrong, this sensation now seems to have spread up the side of my nose and across the bridge and feels like pressure and tingling constantly. Sometimes other areas of my face feel it too, in my sinuses like pressure though I have had no colds to account for it. It is driving me mad as I feel like I've been hit in the nose all the time. The night sweats are still every night. And my skin very often feels like it does when you have the flu - achey and hot/cold, but not to the touch just the sensation of it. And my hands shake and body trembles. It is very uncomfortable and makes it impossible to relax. When I get this feeling I also seem to need to pee very often. Also I have gone from opening my bowels once a day, to for last few months needing to go 2 or 3 times a day, not diarrhoea just lots of it which is very odd as I have not been eating a lot as I have felt so horrible. For a couple of weeks the stool colour was quite pale but last few days it's been more normal. I've been back to the GP so many times and have got so worried about all of this that they have decided I have anxiety disorder and have put me on Sertraline Ssri 10 days ago. For several weeks I was not able to sleep at all because of night sweats and burning sensations which caused me to break down a bit. But although I know my anxiety had got out of control I still know that the physical symptoms preceded it and now i don't know what is happening. I am still having all of the above and possibly now other thin gs caused by the meds! I feel that the GP has written me off to anxiety and now no matter how bad I feel I can't go back as they will not listen or investigate further. I am so sure that something is wrong to make me feel so awful and not knowing what it is is driving me mad. I don't want to to be like this forever.
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EdEire unintended29889
Pls how old are you? Have you got any history with stomach burning or something similar?
Take care
unintended29889 EdEire
I'm 40 and never had any health issues at all before apart from the SVT
pippa58442 unintended29889
unintended29889 pippa58442
I've seen 4 of the GPs at my practice over the last 5 months. They all just look at the bloods and tell me I'm fine.
pippa58442 unintended29889
unintended29889 pippa58442
I've tried, but I'm in the UK and it's very difficult to get a referral if the GP doesn't think it's necessary. Basically I've been told that only specialists order MRI or CT scans and if your GP doesn't refer you to a specialist you can't get one. Even to go private you need a GP referral. My GP has said she won't expose me to any radiation so won't order xrays.
EdEire unintended29889
unintended29889 EdEire
I've tried other GPs within the same practice, but my notes now say "Anxiety Disorder" so I always get that 'look' as soon as i walk in and try to explain things.
I don't think I can change practices as they are the health centre for the area I live in.
pippa58442 unintended29889
ickihun unintended29889
Try a small gp practice. Mine are brilliant.
Even my psychologist was questioning my anxiety status on her recent report to my GP. She would know.
Ironically I've just been diagnosed with anaemia so that won't have helped my mental clarify. I'm looking to see what anxiety I feel in the following months, but I've just restarted on tramadol for 2yrs of struggling with bulging discs.
I think most people with illness experience anxiety. I don't know anyone who doesnt. Unless it's diagnosed and well under control.
unintended29889 ickihun
Not sure where you are but I'm in the UK and we are assigned a GP at the practice for the area where we live. We can't pick and choose. I can see the other GPs at the practice, which I have, but I can't go anywhere else. Apart from urgent care at the hospital in an emergency.
anthony51986 unintended29889
hi unintended , does any of your meds include Aspirin,or Salicylate in foods you are eating have a look on google , the strong antibiotic wasn't Clarithromycin was it , that's a one that nearly put me in hospital , take care
unintended29889 anthony51986
Stefanfetchit unintended29889