I'm so worried, I think I have colon cancer.

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Hi! I'm a 19 years old male, and I've been suffering from different types of abdominal problems in the past 2 years. This all started with diarrhea, without any signs. The strange thing was, that I felt like it was not the usual diarrhea, which is caused by some common virus or bacteria. I've had different types of symptoms most of them come and go usually, for example: diarrhea in the morning, nausea, abdominal pain&cramps in different points, change in stool's shape, size etc. About 4 days ago, I have the feel like I can't pass the stool normally, it feels like something is blocking it, and when I eventually can produce something, it is flat, narrow, sometimes darker and mucuous.

I have good appetite, I have not lost weight, (I'm 106-107kgs). As I mentioned earlier, these symptoms came and went (i can't say this about the current one, since it has not gone away yet). For example, for 2 weeks I woke up, went to toilet, had a normal stool, this happened 1 or maximally 2 more times a day, everything was kind of OK, and after 2 weeks, these kinda bad things start to happen over and over again. 2 months ago I had watery diarrhea (even the water came out after a few mins), but this stopped too after 5 or 6 days... I have pain mostly in the right and left lower abdominal area. I'm very afraid that I have cancer, nobody in my family had a cancer. What are your thoughts on it?

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6 Replies

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    Oh, and I forgot to mention that, I'm very tired in the morning, and still tired afternoon, despite 8 or 9 hours of sleeping.

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    You need to get a colonoscopy done, sounds like you may have diverticulitis in the bowels, nothing too serious to worry about if treated
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    I’d get a referral to a gastro-enterologist and in the meantime consider some dietary changes. Don’t have any dairy as dairy is very mucous forming and can aggravate diarrhea. You may also have a Candida yeast overgrowth in your intestines which will significantly alter your bowel habits, among many other problems. A 40 day good quality yeast cleanse may help significantly. Drink lots of water and avoid all forms of sugar and yeast. 
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    First, just relax because there are plenty of other gastro problems you may have that are not cancer.  I know that is easier said than done, but I have been reading about digestive issues every night for months now and what astonishes me is the number of people who have many symptoms but can't get a clear diagnosis.  I don't often read that the problem turns out to be cancer.  Call tomorrow and get a doc appointment.  One thing I have learned is when you think you want an appointment, call immediately because sometimes you have to wait a long time for certain appointments.  I have a young child and am searching high and low for what is wrong.  She shares some of your symptoms (bad abdominal pain, nausea) and plenty of others.  Ultra sound, xrays and endoscopy turned up nothing.  I wont stop looking until I know and can help her.  Let us know how it is going, and really, don't worry - the stress won't help wink

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    Stress doesn't help at all, honestly! So try to distract yourself if you can and do things you enjoy (: See a doctor to do tests as well instead of googling things, I made myself feel worse when I kept looking up stuff redface keep us updated!

  • Posted

    Hi. I definitely don’t think you have cancer. Colon cancer at such a young age is extremely unlikely especially without any family history. Unfortunately digestive symptoms can mean so many different things. I have similar symptoms to yours and after all proper testing I was given a diagnosis of IBS. It comes and goes. It’s called a “flare” when you become ill again after being relatively fine. I can be fine for months and suddenly become sick again! It is a pain. But i don’t think you have cancer. 

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