I'm thinking I could possibly be Peri menopausal. Help

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I'm 36, my mother had early menopause.

My periods are regular but lasting less days but heavier. My moods are ridiculas, like a roller coaster close to tears one minute with feelings of panic and overwhelming sadness to feeling great. This can be from one minute to the next! Then suddenly I feel I have to sleep now!

My memory is getting terrible (brain fog.)

I'm feeling hot and bothered at times and it makes me feel out of breath and panicky.

Not seen the Dr yet as I think maybe I'm just going mad.

Now I've written this I'm looking at it and thinking yeah it sounds like it but what else could this be.

Any advise, suggestions would be welcome.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    as i was reading your blog not five mins before i said to my self how i could go to be and sleep I can sleep eight hours at night and by one oclock i could go straight back to bed when i get the chance i sleep for two to three hours espescially at the weekend i work with a schools contract so we have just had our schools go back so for a few weeks i have been going back to be and sleeping for up to three hours at a time then still sleeping at night. the brain fog is not only horrendous but embarrassing I have a memory span of zilch yes i get the hot flushes panicky out of breath palpitations itchy skin aches and pains all over ect ect and im going through the peri. im  fighting to keep my eyes open now yet im back to work in half an hour welcolme to the world of the meopause  x there are suppliments for  the symptoms out there just look and try thenm to see which suits you better im on cod liver oil magnesium and blach cohosh 


  • Posted

    It sounds like menopause to me hun,you sound just like a lot of us,I've had all the symptoms for five years and i am 48 now,i get them all the time,no break from it but it helps on here to share it with someone else x

    • Posted

      Yes it sounds like you are in menapause. I agree with you the memory issue is really in barring sorry for the spelling. My symptoms started five months ago. It feels as thou it's been 5yrs. Everyday have a new symptom it's crazy! !! Two of my symptoms lasted 3 mon the then went away word right!! We are here for you! !

  • Posted

    If you go to your doctor, say you're going through hormonal changes and can't stop crying at times, get panicky and have brain fog, and that you'd like something for it. 

  • Posted

    It sound like I was when I first started my periods used to be every 28 days on dot then they started getting heavier or lighter lasting nearly 2 weeks to sometimes couple of days and it got longer and longer between them until they stopped mood swings were terrible thought I was going mad too. Night sweats were awful always best to go Dr's and get check up but it does sound like that's what your going through x

  • Posted

    Everything you wrote I could've wtitten myself!!! I'm 42 now but all those symptoms started in my late thirties as well and I had absolutely no idea what was going on!! I had my second child at 36 and had postpartum , then got past that and all this craziness started . I'm sorry you are experiencing this but you will find many people on here that experience the same thing, has been a great support to me just knowing I'm not alone smile

  • Posted

    Thank you ladies. Sometimes it's nice to know you are not the only one sitting, suffering silently, thinking you are going mad.

    I wish you all the very best xx

  • Posted

    Hi Belly it sounds very familiar.....like you are in peri/meno. i had the same symptoms & some in the early part of this year. i started hrt in april, & the mental symptoms & headaches in particular are so much better now. so glad i started it. i would suggest phoning your doctors surgery & asking if they have a specialist menopause/womens health doctor or nurse you can see to discuss your symtpoms & possible hrt options. You can then be informed enough to make your own decision whether hrt might be something you want to try. xx

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