I'm tired of feeling like sh&at...

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Had to get that off my chest... 

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm having one of those days too... You Are Not Alone!!

  • Posted

    Yep, I think at one point I  googled “so completely sick of this s**t”and this forum is what came up and it is really been a help to me LOL .Hang  in there you’re not alone. It’s nice to know others are suffering with us even if we hate that we are suffering !☹️
  • Posted

    LMAO!!! you are soooo not alone!

    I had that kind of a day too! Cramping right now and thought I'd be able to sleep in a set of new jammies.....nope!!

    Aunt Flo is back....

  • Posted

    I hear you and I'm with you on this one..! Cadburys helps. 😳 (In moderation obviously as weight gain is also an issue at this point in life!!!! 😖wink 

    Stay strong, smile and hope today is a better day. 

    AJ. x

  • Posted

    Hi pam...you are not alone as its exsausting as no one prepares you for this...but I Am noticing it is getting easier so this is only for a season even tough it feels like it for ages.. Hang tight... Keep checking in here.. Cks
  • Posted

    Me too! Two years of feeling like complete sheeit! How much longer?
  • Posted

    Me toooooo!! The passed 2 days i just cried and felt like im in a bubble......feeling a little better today! You are so not alone. Big hugs xx


  • Posted

    Ugh. Having one of those days. I'm still working. Since January, I have missed between one and four days a month because my tummy was messed up or I just can't deal with people. I used to be able to just push through, now I just call in sick.🤢😥🤤

  • Posted

    Hi Pam ,yes can relate to your shat time ... it’s got me too don’t reconize who I have become I’m now 55 and have missed my period since October last year , I suffer with optical migraine too usually one a month but had 2 in 2 weeks the latest one at the weekend felt great when I got up mowed the lawn did lots actually felt positive then while hanging washing saw zigzags eye sight went weird had to go and lay down then the migraine came along with upset tummy tearful just felt so ill had pains all through my body which lasted 2 days .... today I’ve felt better but always waiting for it to appear it’s ugly head and ruin my day , it’s made my anxieties hit the roof I’m sure I’ve been going through peri for a good couple of years but I’m starting to think it’s getting worse , just want it to go and give me some rest from it , it’s like being punished for being a woman other than this forum and a few of my younger girlfriends I don’t think people believe how bad it makes you feel , unless they themselves are going through it .... would be a great idea to have peri coffee mornings and sit and chat could have our own corner in the cafe the peri corner , don’t think anyone would argue with a group of menopausal woman , well not anyone in their right mind ..... just wish I could be me again and not this old fat grumpy ill woman I’ve become with a touch incontence, see even being punished for occasionally giggling , gives me tiddly knickers , so not fair ladies is it .... hugs to you all 💕

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