I'm trying for a baby but my period won't stop.

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So recently me and my partner decided to start trying for a baby. I came on my period as normal but I'm now on the tenth days and it isn't seeming to stop. After the 5th day of the period the blood turned from bright red to brown to light pink and now its red again. I had the same problem last month which my period lasted 15 days. I've booked in to see the doctors but would like to see what people have to say on here. I'm worries that I may not be able to conceive whilst I have this problem. Please help

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you recently stopped the birth control pill. This may affect your hormones and cycle and will settle down in a couple of months. Don't worry I'm sure your doctor will put your mind at rest x
    • Posted

      No I haven't been on birth control for over 3 years now. Can you still ovulate while bleeding?
    • Posted

      I'm not sure, ovulation normally happens around 14 days after start of period in a 28 day cycle. Are your periods regular?
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      Some people have a small bleed when ovulating.
    • Posted

      Yes my periods are regular I just seem to be having them longer than usual for some strange reason
    • Posted

      I hope its nothing bad. I suppose I will just see Monday at the doctors. Thankyou smile
    • Posted

      Sorry I can't be more helpful to you Amy. Hope you get some satisfactory explanations from your doctor on Monday x
  • Posted

    Some people just have weird cycles. If this has happend before I wouldnt worry. When my husband and I started trying 2 montgs ago my period got weird too. Cam on day 31 when I always had regular cycle, 24 day cycle. Your body knows theres something differemt going on. I wouldmt worry just try to figure out when your fertile and do it during that time.
    • Posted

      Well I'm in my fertile window this week up until Thursday. So I'm not sure weather i can get pregnant but I suppose its worth a try. Fingers crossed
  • Posted

    I'm 40 right now , but about 5 year's ago I had a menstral that lasted almost 3 week's . I went to the doctor's office and they said I had an off balance thyroid/hormone issue they gave me medicine and now everything is ok but now my period's only last 3-4 day's. Good Luck!
  • Posted

    Amy, you don't mention your age.

    If you are in your 40s....you might be getting anovulatory cycles (cycles where no egg is released).   You might also be low on progesterone or have sub-clinical thryoid issues.  I would have your levels checked (Estrogen, FSH, DHEA-Sulphate, Ferritin (in case you are anemic), Progesterone, and Thyroid (TSH, T4, T3).

    All the best to you in conceiving.


    • Posted

      I'm 24 and the bleeding has stopped. so hopefully I can carry on as normalnormal

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