I'm very fatigued and also get crashing fatigue aswell?!!a

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Hia all,

Since hitting the peri I've had soooooooo many symptoms,

however for a few months now the creasing fatigue and fatigue have appeared more,and more often making my afternoon impossible to do anything as I get extremly tired, now should this be a concern? Or not?

ive tried a few overt the counter remedies but none seem to help! Pro plus, red bull some energy drinks, bananas u name it I've probably tried it.

i have been to the doctors and today had a blood test done to try and identify my problem, sooooo I have to wait another 10 days for the results!

Can anyone advise me on somthing to try, to at least help with the fatigue? 

sleep well I get 8-9 hours sleep each night so it carnt be any lack there and I sleep right through (only if I need a pee) with no problem getting back off again!

if any one can help me out I would be sooooo grateful, thanks for reading and Thankyou if u have any tips.xx

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Shelly - I have just started taking blackstrap molasses, Organic. You put 2 teaspoons in warm water & drink it through a straw each morning, it has really helped me! It has loads of goodness in it, have a google for it!


    • Posted

      thanku Barbara.

      yes I'll google this.

      im at the moment taking Propanolol ( help with my migranes) 

      and Sertline ( for my mood swings ) ssri tablets......

      will taking these I wonder have any advert effect?

      thanks again. Xx

    • Posted

      I would think its ok as its all natural, I take tramadollol, HRT & blood pressure, so far so good!
  • Posted

    OH I understand, i have that too, its a mindfileld thought id doen with havign to go online again as all seemed better, you are doing th e right things by gp checks, just try go with it and rest and excercise moderately also eathing good nourishing food.  i now have depression and feel swimy headed and eyes, but  trouble is lots of symptoms of peri are similar to others too!! keep going.  this site is good best regards

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