I'm very nervous of examination
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Hi folks this is my first time on here. I have been thinking about my situation for some time now. I am a 66 years old man. I frequently urinate up to 6/7 times during the night, sometimes more for quite some time now.
I also expeience lower back pain, my urination flow is sometimes eratic stop start, but never painful. The only thing that worries me about being examined and I can say I am terrified of, is having a rectum examination. This is the only thing that puts me off. Any other test wouldn't bother me. Can I say for a 66 year old I am extremely fit, not saying I could rum a marathon but all in all I'm not in bad shape.
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nick50848 Treetop1948
The DRE (rectal exam) really isn't anything to worry about. It's a little undignified but over with in a few seconds and in my experience (having had four done over the course of my diagnosis) not at all painful just a bit uncomfortable.
Don't let the DRE put you off finding out if you have a prostate problem. It is very important to find out how you are as soon as possible.
Good luck
Dudley71081 Treetop1948
You will need a blood test to ascertain your benchmark PSA level against which subsequent PSA figures will be compared, to ascertain velocity. This together with a DRE procedure will give your GP a reasonable idea of the relative health of your Prostate.
If BPH, prostatitis &/or bladder infection can be ruled out then you will almost certainly be referred to a Urologist who will perform a DRE again to both confirm the referral diagnosis and gauge any abnormality for himself.
Increasing PSA & DRE abnormality are considered the two most reliable non surgical indicators of prostate cancer. Then biopsy/scans etal reveals the extent of it, if present.
Of itself, a DRE is nothing to be afraid of. If you don't like the thought of it then you sure as hell won't like the thought of succumbing to advanced prostate cancer, especially if such an end could have been prevented.
From the symptoms you describe, you are clearly unwell and your condition will not resolve favourably on its own. ( Fitness has nothing to do with it, other than that you may come through treatment in a better condition than most ). Seek qualified medical help. Do what they reccommend, when they advise it.
Stay calm and get on with trying to extend your own life in a manner worth living, without delay. Worry feeds on inactivity.
Regards and Best Wishes
Treetop1948 Dudley71081
Dudley71081 Treetop1948
Firstly and on a lighter note, I assume there was no-one watching you climb up the tree or you would not have done it ?
Secondly, and in a once only attempt to persuade you to initiate medical attention for your problem ( for both your own sake and that of any loved ones and/or dependants you may have ); please at least discuss your reluctance with your GP who can help you to overcome your psychological hang up over what is in terms of medical invasion, a non-event.
Due to the anatomical location of the prostate gland the only way it can be palpated is by DRE. It is essential this be performed as palpation will detect any changes* in size shape and texture of the gland ( * indicators of disease ).
As Nick says, it is all done and over with very swiftly. Your manhood and machismo will not be affected by it.
The Cancer Council most probably has representation at your local or regional Hospital. If it is proximate and you have time, ask to be shown round the wards and the Radiology/Oncology suite.
And then please let me know how much of a problem you think YOU have.
All the best Mate.
peter06554 Treetop1948
good luck
georgeGG peter06554