I need encouragement. I need to know if anyone else is as debilitated as I am.
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I am so concerned that I am actually dying. I can't believe how terrible I feel. My whole body hurts like when you have a bad flu yet I don't have a fever. Randomly I get hot AND freezing cold simultaneously or one then the other follows. Something seems to be developing inside my throat like a lump. I cry so often I think the strain on my throat muscles is causing it maybe? I did a home test, saliva hormone panel and it revealed that I am super hormonally imbalanced. Barely traceable Estrodiol. Progesterone super low. Testosterone super high. Cortisol way high at night. These past 2 years I have been deteriorating with the last 2 months feeling like my hips are fractured. If you could, see me. I am scared. Year and a half now severe insomnia. Moods are all over the place, but never joyful. I spend most of my time in my houserobe in a recliner perusing Pinterest or doing easy crossword puzzles. What kind of life is this? I can't go into town due to anxiety. This can't be simply hormonal imbalance. I am only 52. Hysterectomy 15 years ago. My hubby tells me he watched his own mom go through the exact same thing. She suffered for two years and then went onto HRT. She found relief. My mom showed no signs of anything like this at all. This, whatever it is, has rendered me so disabled. I have another hormone test being sent to my home from a women's clinic in Ohio called The Happy Hormone Cottage. This is a urine test kit that looks even further into my hormone status. I am taking the steps to get onto BHRT. If anyone else is this bad off I sure would appreciate your comments and reassurance. I have become such an Eyeore! A crippled one at that!
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dot65957 leslie95604
oh dear so sorry to hear how you are feeling
The torso part of my body (stomach area and adjacent parts of my arms) also hurts like when you have a flu yet I don't have a fever. also randomly I get hot AND freezing cold simultaneously or one then the other follows; also headaches. It feels debilitating but I start to breathe intentionally; take magnessium (300-600mg) and or do aerobics and it all helps. I also do not drink alcohol and taken sugar out of my diet which I hope is also helping. Dr Berg on youtube talks about what happens when the adrenals replace the ovaries at menopause and how the pituitary gland which regulates body temperature can ramp up the heat when it does not get the egg from the ovary - I think that is whats happening with the hot and cold cycleI have had a lot of tests; nothing wrong but for a slightly raised bp - please share how you get on with the hormone tests as I a also looking for a reliable lab to test me.
Hugs - you are not dying
leslie95604 dot65957
First off, thanks so much for replying <3
This is an arduous struggle across a vast desert of uncharted territory for me. Incredible what we are enduring. I have been at this for 4 years!!! I had a hunch it was hormones but "doctors" had me convinced I was suffering from an anxiety disorder. They just push antidepressants when I want actual answers to what is going on. The simultaneous hot cold is confusing for my mind. It's like putting your hand in running water but unable to determine if it's hot or cold. I will check out Dr. Berg vids. I am a proud member of the health anxiety club so any new information I can get is a bonus :-P Good to hear you can be physical with aerobics. My hips are so painful they hurt even laying down. I appreciate you gals sl, so much. I will certainly be posting about my BHRT journey. Still several weeks away until I have prescription in hand. One day at a time. Bless you dear.
dot65957 leslie95604
Dear Leslie try also reading at anxietycentre[/b].com[/b] about anxiety symptoms - ery interesting and an eye opener
pasting the link below but if taken out by the editor just google it
betty90997 leslie95604
I can also relate my anxiety is through the roof feel of balance when I stand have blurred vision thoughts of doom and gloom worried I'll die and leave my kids it's a constant battle reminding myself it's the hormones not forgetting the heart palpitations so strong I'm scared im having a heart attack the only thing I have is praying to God for this to end
leslie95604 betty90997
Hi Betty . It is very unnerving when our heart does weird things. Know that a pumping heart, whether it is hard pumping or fast pumping is simply the same as a good aerobic exercise. When my heart would do that I would be compelled to walk really fast to kind of catch up to it in a way. Sitting still made it more obvious to me. Regular relaxation meditation is very beneficial. It may not stop the palps but you can learn to relax through them. It's possible but takes practice.
There should be menopause spas in every town in every country on this planet!! Or at least a preparatory public service announcement for younger women to give them a heads up on what may be along their path in the future. All I ever heard about menopause was hot flashes. If it were only those it'd be cake. Every square inch of me is menopausal. I have freaky grey hairs that look like lightening growing out of my head. My eyes itch like crazy. My skin is super dry, itchy and I have an angry rash on my right shin. Forget about regulating body temperature. I am hot and freezing at the same time. Who does that?!!! Headaches, tinnitus, horrible insomnia for well over a year now. Not hallucinating though so that's a relief. My stomach muscles are pulled in from tension and I have to deliberately try to relax them. Same with my shoulders. They are usually shrugged up to almost touching my ears until I remember to put them down. They always end up sneaking their way back to basically chocking me off again. Can't wear a bra. Much too uncomfortable. Closet full of nice clothes. I don't leave my couch. My Chanel coat would just get all wrinkled laying in it. Nope, been in the same dark grey sweats and top for the last year and a half. So sexy. Writing the word sexy is as close as I can get to the actual behavior. My poor hubby. He is far too understanding and patient. It's cruel what this does to them indirectly. I can easily be a raving lunatic in the morning and docile by noon. I am not an 88 year old woman in years, but my joints went on ahead and have become like one. Inner tension? Oh that's fun huh? That's me wearing a rut into the hallway carpeting from hobbling/pacing to try to walk it off for 2 hours straight at times. Torture. 1 month ago I finally got brave/tired/crazy/dont care anymore and started taking Tamazapam to get some kind of sleep. It's my husband's prescription but it's the only thing that puts me down. So terrified of getting hooked on a benzo on top of everything else. I need to sleep even if it's synthetic. I am praying that once I begin BHRT that I may find that elusive light at the end of this meno-tunnel. You're in my thoughts hon. Hope to hear back from you. We need to know we can do this. Hugs.
Eliaimee1970 leslie95604
ansiety and heart palpitations w racing heartbeat at my highest that I have in the ER a few times a months and everything check normal . They check my hornones by blood test and they call me today and they said is normal but yet I have this random symptoms and is driving me crazy. I have pain in my hips, chest, left shoulder blade, left quadrant Middle abdominal pain, left lower abdominal pain, headaches with neck and shoulder pain. I’m still had to go to work and I have to deal with my kids . It is exhausting now I have this inflammation on my scalp on top back of my head . I want the saliva test but my doctor don’t do it . I wonder if I can get it online .
I hope you feel better soon . I’m here I feel confort that I’m not alone.
leslie95604 Eliaimee1970
Eliamee dear, yes, saliva tests are available online. A bit pricey but they are accurate and help you to see whats going on where a blood test doesn't. I don't know if you are in the US or not but ZRT Labs does hormonal testing and I do believe they ship internationally. When I did my test in my home I felt like I was finally taking my health into my hands and walking toward my healing. Too many "medical professionals" have failed me. We have the ability to find our own way back to health through other women and those who support healing and not masking symptoms. My thoughts are with you dear. Hugs.
Eliaimee1970 leslie95604
Guest leslie95604
I’m 52 as well, coming off a completely hellish year and a half. Hormones can cause all kinds of havoc including weakening the immune system which can leave viruses to resurface. I truly thought I was checking out.
Things are starting to calm down a bit and interestingly enough I’m starting to finally skip some periods. It’s all connected.
Sorry you are having a rough time too. Hope your family is understanding.
leslie95604 Guest
Thanx Suzanne. Fortunately I am married to Jesus. Well, Frank actually but may as well be Jesus. He is my caretaker. It's really frustrating because I feel guilty not being able to do the wifey type stuff. He makes dinner through the week for us. I make myself prepare our breakfasts on weekends. He never, ever complains but always encourages me to look forward to my healing. BHRT is on our horizon. We are hoping it will bring relief. 20 years of antidepressants had certainly contributed to how messed up I am hormonally. Probably the underlying problem all along masked by the pills. Anyway, I can't tell you how much I appreciate talking to other women going through this challenging season. It can be very isolating when the anxiety grabs hold and you're a hostage in your own home to it. Thank you for sharing your time with me. Hugs to you hon.
maria76995 leslie95604
Hi Leslie, your not dying it happens hot then freezing cold, I use to get this when I get out of bed worst for me...all the symptoms you describe seem normal to me, and yes menopause is scary you have no control with it so that's why we got so much stress and Anxiety to go with it..I been through 8 years and still scared out my wits with it, people say better days and light at the end of the tunnel I have not seen any of it yet, hoping and praying for all of us.
leslie95604 maria76995
Hi Maria. 8 years. I have been off antidepressants for 2 years now and it's been absolute hell. In these last two years I have had probably a total of maybe 14 separate days where I am not feeling like I am suffering. I don't have any idea why those days even happen. Even as I am writing this I am feeling terrible. I have this heavy tension that is almost like being crushed internally. It is impossible to describe. The tinnitus increased about 2 hours ago and every few minutes I have to try to stretch my lungs with a deep sigh. I have never experienced poisoning but I feel like I have been. I was feeling semi-ok this morning until about 2 hours ago. I am freezing cold and sitting with a heating pad inside my robe. Blood pressure is normal. I just took it. I have to deliberately try to relax my stomach, neck and shoulder muscles because they suddenly begin to tighten up involuntarily. Here comes a hot flash. Off goes the robe. I am so tired of being sickly. I promise my next entry won't be a big vent. Sorry Maria. I just feel really uncomfortable at the moment. Hugs to you hon. I hope you will turn a corner on your journey soon. Have you looked into BHRT?