I need help :(
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Hello, I am 21 years old, I am currently feeling stressed, sad, afraid. I have no idea what I have in my penis. My last sexual relationship was 3 months ago with a condom (Condon). And a few months ago I started looking at my penis in case I have something, and I got caught with this. It is dangerous? I do not feel symptoms I would appreciate it if you would help me.
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loxie loki81790
These could be tiny sebaceous cysts, if so they are usually harmless and not contagious. Try rubbing castor oil on them and if they either dont clear up or get bigger or bothersome, go see your doctor or the genito urinary clinic.
loki81790 loxie
What you tell me is what you confirm what it is ?. Sorry, I do not speak English, I'm talking through a translator. Can you understand me?
loki81790 loxie
Is not Condiloma? (vph)
loxie loki81790
If you speak spanish - I have translated it below:
no se ve como verrugas, se ve como conductos bloqueados, llamados quistes sebáceos. Pruebe el aceite de ricino durante unos días y luego vaya a ver a su médico o a la clínica.