I need help
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hi , my doctor has weened me off 125mgs of sertraline because i am having massive trouble sleeping and daily panicky feelings. i am now taking 30mg mirtazapine, which helped me sleep for first few nights, but last couple of nights it failed to help. i also take propanalol during day, its a beta blocker for anxiety. i needed to take 3.75 zopiclone last two nights to get any sleep, and i feel so sluggish and weepy today. dont know which way to turn
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joanne83367 Chezza1957
i would really consider exploring this site. from first hand experience
Chezza1957 joanne83367
hi, sorry to be dim, do you mean explore forum conversations or nhs site in general? thank you
joanne83367 Chezza1957
explore the site it is all about mind altering drugs. Antidepressants/benzos etc.
100s of people on there who have been in the same boat, me included. how to taper off safely and the millions of symptoms that come while on them and withdrawing from them. you will be glad you did as i was myself. alot of people are misinformed when it comes to AD use and medical professionals have no idea the impact they have on many of our lives. I don't want to frighten you but just explore there and get as much info as possible. The very first page has a lot of value and the best place to start.
a34527 Chezza1957
I have read that beta blockers cause insomnia. Mirtazapine only helped me sleep 3 nights on 7.5mg dose then doctor told me to up it to 15mg. he told me to give it time and I did and it never helped at all. I am now having to start taper off. honestly if I could go back I would have tried every natural supplement out there before going on this medication. I ended up improving my insomnia with natural supplements and I had to change my dose of mirtazapine to about 445pm to 5pm because I felt like it was waking me up. I still have very bad nights like last night only slept a couple of hours. Those are getting less now. I wish it was none and it always scares me that I will go back to how I was not sleeping 3 days at a time. I wish you luck.
Chezza1957 a34527
hi, i have been on antidepressants for 12 years. And as far as I can remember, having to resort to alcohol or benecol type drugs to get some sleep. i suffered from post natal depression after both of my kids. i have also resorted to buying zopiclone online to get sone sleep. it is a massive issue for me.
a34527 Chezza1957
I'm sorry to hear that. 12 yrs is a long time. Do you think you are having withdrawals from sertraline? I think you need to talk to your doctor if mirtazapine isnt working but in my honest opinion doctors dont offer good advice. they just want to throw more pills to mask the problem. it didnt work for me and I was only prescribed it for insomnia. I am having my hormones checked to see if possible they are causing the insomnia. I have been reading high dominance estrogen and low progesterone could be the culprit.
a34527 Chezza1957
also reading more and more about the z drugs which I took a low dose for about 6months before it pooped out and completely stopped working at any dose so I stopped it and havent looked back. but what I have found is that it can cause anxiety and depression and severe rebound insomnia. so while it helps for a time it eventually will do the opposite.