I need help for an 83 year old man with severe PHN for 3 months
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I am writing on behalf of my father who contracted shingles in August 2015 in the right eye extending back throught the scalp on the right side. The neuralgia started as the scabs were falling off. He had intermittent excruciating pain at first but now is getting severe pain all the time - he is unable to concentrate on anything and even distracting himself with practical tasks, whcih helped at first is not helping now. He has been taking Gabapentin for about 6 weeks now - gradually increased the dose to 6x300ml tabs per day. I have done some reading on this site and have made a note of some of the drugs mentioned that have worked for people. It does seem like a case of trial and error. What I would like to know is how long do you stay on a drug before you realise it is not working - surely if Gabapentin was going to work - he should have noticed some relief by now. Dad is also on heart medication for severe heart failure - diagnosed earlier in the year - in fact the shingles came after he became very run down after taking multiple medications that made him very sick. He is also on Acyclovir and steroid eye drops for the affected eye. In the last week he has also taken colloidal silver?? anyone know anyhting about that for PHN?? - nothing he has taken so far seems to have given him relief - in fact it seems to be getting worse - resulting in him hardly sleeping at night. He is very fed up and is not enjoying life. He has been referred to a pain clinic but I have found out it will be a 3-6 month wait!!!
My other question then is can he be referred to a neurologist in the meantime - he lives in the UK. I live in Australia and have just returned home after being there for 2 months helping him get back on his feet.
I would like to thank everyone on this site for their wonderful support despite being in so much pain themselves - you are an amazing bunch of people
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jocelyne44618 alison11183
Kindest regards Jocelyne Mason
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alison11183 jocelyne44618
Thank you for your lovely friendly message. I am so sorry you are having to deal with so much pain and working as well - Dad is also longing for his old life back again with no pain. We all want that for him. My mum is still alive so he has someone at home with him and thank you for your offer of a chat. Unfortunately Dad has not got a computer even though we have been trying for some years to get him online. Especially right now, i think this would be a great forum for him to get support form other sufferers.
Take care and hope you get more sustained relief soon
jocelyne44618 alison11183
kimberly36176 alison11183
alison11183 kimberly36176
nanny8 kimberly36176
i thought i was the only one in the world that is suffering so bad, until i stumbled on this website, i am very sorry for the pain u are having, i dont feel so alone anymore knowing someone else is suffering like i am, im only 52 years old and i feel like my life is ruined, how is your appetite, i have no appetite, ive lost 70 lbs in the last 10 months i have been suffering with this illness. i am going to mention to my pain doctor about the stimulator and i hope its combatable with pacemakers, again im sorry you have to suffer so bad, like myself and hope you continue to be in less pain, thank you so much, and God Bless You, please reply , its so good to conversate with someone who understands the unbareable pain we are going though.