I need help, heavy heavy heavy bleeding
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10 years ago, when I was 36, I had a c-section birth for twins.When my first period after their birth started, it was like a murder scene. I had always had, my entire life, what I thought was heavy periods. This is MUCH worse. Over the last 10 years, my periods have been that heavy on day 2 and maybe 3 and 4, but for the most part, it would be just like my normal period for the rest of my normal 7 or 8 day cycle. Yes, my periods have ALWAYS been that long.For the last couple of years, my periods have gotten gradually WORSE. It starts out very light, hardly noticeable, and on day 2, WHAM! every time I stand up, it gushes out of me and I flood HEAVY overnight pads, several a day. Can't cough or sneeze or it's running down my legs. Wearing a tampon (or two side by side) is pointless, they just soak through and through in minutes.) I know I'm perimenopausal, and probably was already when I got pregnant with the twins(two periods a month for several months at that time), because I'm also experiencing hot flashes and night sweats and lately, I just want to cry a lot without really knowing why.This whole 10 years, I have been passing LARGE clots. One even filled the entire bottom of the toilet. I have not had one that big in years and that was the only one I ever had that was that big. But, most of them larger than a quarter.I have gone a few months without a period, once it was 5 months before I had one. But, most of the time, I stop bleeding and 2 weeks later I start bleeding again. The last 3 periods I've had have been murder scene bleeding for EVERY DAY of my period and the last one lasted 10 days. I'm currently in the third in a row like this, and I'm desperate for some relief. There are times when I can sit on the toilet and the blood will just run out of me, like a faucet turned on just above a trickle, for several minutes. I have health insurance, but I can't afford to use it. I can't afford the deductible, I can't afford prescriptions, and even the co-pay sometimes, is not possible.I'm also 7 years post a very psychologically abusive relationship(although we have kids together so technically I still deal with it daily. No he does not pay child support. Long story short he's very manipulative and was able to get out of that too) and have, for some reason, a very big anxiety of doctors now. I'm not sure why, I never did before, I can only assume it's relational, somehow, to my abuse. But, for whatever reason, when I even think about going to the GYN, I get palpitations and I just want to cry. I take an iron tablet daily, along with Vitamin C, and during my period, I take the iron and C two or 3 times a day along with 3 NSAID tabs. Nothing helps, although I sometimes wonder if I stopped doing this would I bleed to death one night in my sleep. Cold packs do NOT help at all. In fact, I think it makes it worse.I'm concerned a doctor isn't going to believe me because I still work when it's like this. But, I don't have a choice. I have to work. I can't call off for 7 or 8 days straight. I just take A LOT of pads with me and use the bathroom every 20 mins if I have to. I have had accidents at work and bring a couple changes of pants/underwear and wash cloth with me just in case, and I've had to use them. I feel so stuck and scared and I don't know what to do. In fact, I'm right now, asking myself why I bothered to post here because i know what everyone will say. "Go to the doctor." But, I can't. I can get over the phobia/anxiety, but I can't pay for it so there's just no way I can go. I guess I'm just hoping someone can suggest something that I haven't tried yet that can at least slow down/reduce my blood flow while I put some money aside for a while.Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Forgot to mention that I had tubal ligation during C-section.
heather29740 Guest
When I had heavy periods before my menopause I was given transenamic acid pills, nothing to due with acid reflux. They worked for me and they seemed to work okay. I was also given them after my last child's birth as I was still bleeding heavily seven weeks after he was born (luckily he loved sleeping and eating now nearly 25 and still the same) they stopped my bleeding and it stayed away for a while.
Hope this helps you a little bit .....Heather x
christine-Perim Guest
I had the same thing at 46. i am now 49. It lasted a couple years. be encouraged. it does slow down. i went to the doctor and i was always told the heavy bleeding was normal mean while i ruined all of my sheets and underwear.
hang in there.
Guest Guest
You need to get some black strap molases take a tablespoon or two a day, it will help stop bleeding and I would watch taking the NSAID they can cause more bleeding and only take the iron as it says on the bottle. You can also eat cream of wheat its very high in iron to reduce a few tabs you are taking. I went through the exact bleeding you are talking about sounds like you maybe entering or close to meno now this happened to be twice before I actually enter meno like when it happened the first time after all the bleeding half way to death my period stopped for like a year and a half then started the bleeding almost a death again for like a month or so and it finally stopped and so far its been two years nothing. Also you can try this too but the black strap molasses worked for me.
Here are 3 tips that can help slow down heavy bleeding and also give women more energy when they need it most.
The first tip is to cut back on sugar. If sugar is cut out completely ... at least during the first three days of the menstrual cycle... This should slow down the menstrual period bleeding and not remove so much energy from the body.
The second tip is to exercise. Exercise seems to slow down excessive bleeding... plus, the body will experience more energy as the oxygen to the brain is increased. The problem with this is that when kids are involved, there is not much time to exercise... so tip number three might be the best solution.
The third tip is to take raw apple cider vinegar. This is a solution that is proven to work to slow down the bleeding associated with menstrual cycles. It is especially great when a woman has to be out in public and it is her 2nd or 3rd day of her period... when most women bleed the most... and she just doesn't want to be embarrassed by being in the bathroom the whole time.
Add one tablespoon of vinegar to about 16 to 20 ounces of water and drink it throughout the day. If the bleeding is extra heavy, drink two glasses of water with 1 tablespoon of raw (must be raw apple cider vinegar is awesome) apple cider vinegar a day.
Some people can't stomach the taste of the vinegar, so instead, put it in a glass of apple juice (preferably sugar-free) or grape juice and drink it that way... to hide the strong taste.
The amount of pads or tampons should increase a great deal after driking the vinegar for only one or two days... and it is not uncommon to go through only a pad or two after the 3rd day of the period. When vinegar is first used, don't be surprised if more clots are discharged as the body might experience some detoxification. This is normal. This is a good thing as it is cleaning things out... detoxifying the system.
An added bonus? Taking apple cider vinegar on a daily basis is proven to increase ones energy
lori92895 Guest
I had super heavy bleeding too. And I used to wear the slender regular tampon because I am so narrow down there. But when the heavy bleeding started I went from the slender regular tampon to the super tampon. And I didn't have any problem with them coming out because they would fill up and gush out with so much blood and clots. I couldn't take it. So I went to the doctor and she put in an IUD of progesterone. It's supposed to last 5 years. I am hardly bleeding at all anymore and just a few clots will come out. It has really helped me. So if you find the courage to go to the doctor ask about the progesterone thing. I am glad I had it done.