I need help . I need to stop drinking

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Hello , I need not to say too much really . Im abit low and need support

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    You will get support on this site, so dont be alone, most people on here are in a similar position, or like me, have a partner who is an alcoholic, so there's not a lot we haven't heard before. You have made the first move to get your life back, please keep coming back x
  • Posted

    Hi tell us a bit more about yourself then we might be able to offer more specific advice how much are you drinking, your not alone there's thousands of us with drink problems 
  • Posted

    It's scary to think there might not be another drink around the  corner.

    Please keep coming back here. There are lots of us in the same boat.

  • Posted

    Repeating what has been said but YES do come back to this forum and all the people will give you good advice. You will not be mis judged and we will do our best to help. tell us more pls and let us so how we can assist in the best way  smile
  • Posted

    You've taken the first step in recognising you have a drink problem and by asking for help, you want to address the problem.

    to get the best help and advice can you come back and give us a few more details. How much are you drinking, when, who with ect. You are not alone, we've all been there, so let's try and help you by you giving us more  information.

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear that you are feeling so low, it's an awful place to be.  I hope you will chat with us and share your troubles.  So many of us on here are in a similar position to you, perhaps sharing your story will help some of us too.

    Come back soon. xxxxx

  • Posted

    do share <3 there is no judging or harrassment here .. smile there="" is="" no="" judging="" or="" harrassment="" here="" ..="">>
  • Posted

    Hi Rainbow, i just joined this site today and i have been giving lots of info already. I'm a total binge drinker and when i drink i also gamble which is a total nightmare as im in thousands worth of debt. however in a short space of time ive been able to get things of my chest, knowing that im speaking with others either going through it themselves, been through it or those supporting others going through it. come back on, these people on here can give you the advice you need.

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