i need to know that this is menopause and not pregnancy
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2 weeks ago i was in church and listened to the wordand began to cry.... never done that before , On May 1st, I realized my period didnt come in April., and this weekend all I did was SLEEP. I,m feeling queasy today. im feel as im a wreck.. is all this normal... this is the first time i missed a period im 49years old
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lynda20916 tonas69535
The best thing to do would be to go see your doctor, especially if you've had unprotected sex.
tonas69535 lynda20916
penelope65426 tonas69535
Please see your doctor when I got pregnant I cried at everything.And now the same with Menopause it's hormones.xx
Indifferent tonas69535
Guest tonas69535
I think if you aren't sure you better go buy a pregnancy test pronto! At least you will know for sure!! Yikes. Good luck!