I quit taking 200mg of zoloft and am having severe withdrawl symptoms

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I have been on Zolft (setraline) for 2 years, on the highest dosage. Last friday I ran out of my medication and thought that a refill would be no big deal but my mom called the pharmacy and they said they refuse to refill me until I see my doctor to confirm that i still need to be on this medication (even though I dont think i need clarification anymore.) I can't even get an appointment for two more days, and its been 6 days that i havent been on this medication. I'm really ticked off at my doctor and I can't believe he would leave me to suffer like this given the situation. 

There was no tapering at all, it was cold turkey. I can confidently say this is the worst I've ever felt. I can't focus in school anymore, my memory is fading, the brain zaps are getting worse by the day, my anxiety is through the roof, I can hardly eat, I've had to opt out of swimming practice and I have no real way to excuse myself because I can't really explain it. the only thing that I can do to take my mind off of it is sleep, and i wake up in sinus pain from my dreams being so vivid and awful. I've started crying a few times each day just becayse of the way I feel, completely hopeless.

I don't know what to do. all i can think to do is cry, and i know that sounds dramatic but I honestly feel like I cannot do anything to help myself. 

What can I do for the next two days, before I can get back on my medication? What helps these withdrawls, if anything?

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Doc wont even call you in like a weeks supply or give you some samples until you can get in? Thats not very cool of Doc.
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    You can't just stop them that's the worse thing you can do. You need o ring the docs today & insist on seeing a doctor any doctor it doesn't have o be your GP. You poor darling I'm discusted with the pharmacist too.

    The trouble is the receptionist will fob you off as they don't understand. If they won't let you see a doc get the doc to ring you & if no joy there say you will have to go to a & e. And make sure you put in a letter of complaint. Good luck xxx

  • Posted

    I would you need to phone your doctors again and demand an appointment right away or get them to send prescription to pharmacy right away what they are forcing you to do is very dangers and can lead to permanent damage to yourself  I'm not trying to scare you but just laying down the facts please phone them right away

    let us know how you get on

    take care     

  • Posted

    Sorry I can't recommend a temporary replacement and I'm certainly not questioning how long, how much or why you're on the drug but the issue with your doctor leaves some questions to address.

    Did the. Dr. advise you should see him again before you ran out so he could update the Rx and you missed doing so? If so the pharmacy cant refill but the Dr. still had a responsibilty to adjust and see you sooner.

    If you weren't told to do so question him why you can't begiven a short term Rx. until you can see him/her.

    It sounds like there's more to the story but very careful about taking something else as a cover. I hope this helps the bigger picture.

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    Mine were on repeat prescription if you go to your GP surgery and ask for an emergency prescription they should be able to print it off the computer and get it signed by one of the GP' s  within minutes. Best never to run out, good luck

  • Posted

    I have been on zoloft for many years , very strong dose . If i stop taking it for about two days i get crazy dreams and weird physical things happen .. needless to say like everyone else says dont just stop taking it cold turkey .. 
    • Posted

      I was on 200mg for over 15 yrs and went cold turkey a month ago and I've had most of the reported side affects but they've gotten a little better in the last week But I've heard sometimes it takes a few months before the real bad one hit so I'm cautiously optimistic. I guess my advise is hang in there it does get better.

    • Posted

      why would you stop cold turkey when you have been on such a high dose for such a long time my advice to you would be the worst is yet to come the damage you could do to yourself is unrepairable stopping cold turkey is a BIG no no but I guess you will found that at yourself 
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      You could be right about the worse to come but I also know the damage I've already had being on it and other Rxive taken so I'm taking the risk.

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      but you could definitely do more damage by stopping as you have mike being on that amount for a very long time your body has got used to that what you are doing is very dangers to yourself fella I'm on 200mg myself and slowly tapering down if that's the correct words. I wish you well mate but my guess is you will be back on them      

    • Posted

      LFCste is right Mike, check out the thread 'sertraline withdrawal, does it go away' on this site.

      to avoid long term and sometimes lifelong  your nervous system I suggest you reinstate to the last dose you were on then begin the 10% tapering method. It's proven, I used it myself and avoided w/d completely.

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