I rammed my knee into a sharp concrete corner, what do I do?

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Yesterday at about 4 in the afternoon I was walking at the park. The park has many concrete benches that all have sharp corners for some reason. I was walking away from the mini water park at a decently fast pace and my knee slammed into the corner. I took several minutes before I could walk again with less pain. It's been 28 hours and I can walk with minimal pain, but anytime I rest it for more than a few minutes there's a shooting pain with any movement. Walking only induces an ache. There was swelling within seconds and a lovely bruise. I've tried both ice and heat compression as well as anti inflammatory. I don't want to waste money going to a doctor if I can do something myself. Any advice?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    If you are having shooting pains ,,,i would be seeing a doctor,.to verify if knee ok

    Im a careworker and if i was in same position thats what id be doing.

    your health is important

  • Posted

    I’ve done things I was SURE damaged my prosthetic knee. Only to find they’re pretty indestructible. Treat it like you would your own knee. The pain and swelling will probably ease over time, just like it would with your own knee. If it doesn’t, then I would recommend getting it checked.
  • Posted

    Leave the heat in the oven....nothing but ice. 20 on 20off. Take some Aleve or other anti inflammatory and rest the leg for 24 hrs. If you don't get relief in 48hours don't be penny wise and pound foolish, see a Dr. There is always an outside chance that you could trigger an infection and you want to catch it early.if you want to talk a out something expensive, try dealing with that on an advanced condition. I've been through that twice and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

  • Posted

    Ask yourself this? Would my own knee be hurting like cray if I rammed it into concrete? Yeah, probably. We’re not china dolls because we have artificial joints. We don’t break at every touch. We’re going to get banged up just like before and it’s going to hurt just like before. Keep in my and that yoursl skin was slammed between concrete and titanium. OUCH! Give it a few days.
  • Posted

    I agree with Vicky and then OFG1.  The knee is pretty tough and your pain is probably just the surrounding tissue.  Anti-inflammatories and give it a few days.  If it's not getting better or getting worse, see a doc. In over two years, I've both slammed the knee and fell on it a few times.  It's fine in 2-3 days.  Elevate and rest...let it heal.

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