I read this tonight. It's just some info about - The Menopause Histamine Connection.

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Hello Ladies:

I'm doing my research. Determined to beat this. I'm reading on line a connection regarding women suffering from histamine intolerance brought on by the hormonal fluctuations common during meno. Foods high in histamine can trigger allergy-like reactions in your body. High Histamine is hidden in the lists of things that can go haywire with our bodies during meno. I also, read Claritin blocks the action of histamine. It's a HI Blocker they call it and on line I read it can lower any inflammation that is going on to help lower your symptoms by blocking the high histamine levels if you have them. So, I'm on day 2 of the Claritin and my head is calming down from dizziness. I'm feeling more mindful also, of my actions which I haven't been able to grasp in months. So, something is breaking up. I can't wait to be on it for week or 2 to see if it really really works but, today has been my best day in 9 months and it's not due to today being a holiday at all. I think there is a real link with food though during this time. On line there is a lot of info about it. You can look up The Menopause Histamine Connection. Also, The Curious Link Between Estrogen, Mast Cells, and Histamine . It starts off stating that: Headaches. Anxiety. Insomnia. Brain fog. Hives, Nasal congestion. Are just a few symptoms of histamine intolerance or mast cell activation syndrome. I'm no doctor. I think there are other blockers out there too other than Claritin. Always, make sure you can take something new with whatever your already taking but, just wanted to throw this out there. I think for me at least there is a real link here to this helping my symptoms and possibly someone else's. Thinking of you all during this time. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!!!!<3

5 likes, 11 replies

11 Replies

  • Posted

    this is fascinating! I have a lot of the symptoms listed. plus I have one daughter that has a mass cell birth mark and another daughter that very randomly breaks out into hives all over her body. I have 4 daughters and the ones that have the histamine issues (not major) are the two daughters that are most like me in looks and personality so....just interesting!

    • Posted


      Yes, I find it fascinating too. I think there is a connection! I know for me I'm affected by food. It's worth a try to eliminate food high in histamine's regardless and it could help. ❤️

  • Posted

    thank you so mich for posting this. im seeing my allergist and immune specialist and ill let him know this information. i always feel like adter i eat i feel dizzy. i was told i have pre diabetes but nkw its nornal andni still frel likenim gonna faint twice a week. once i had convulsions. my LdL CHOLESTEROL is high cant sen to grt it down.

    so sick of doctors and being sick

  • Posted


    Yes, I've read some of your past posts and feel off and dizzy too after eating and I know when I cut down eating I feel better. I really feel like I need to see an allergist too. I think even before peri I had this and peri just made it worse if you suffer from this high histamine issue. Just cutting foods out high in any in general is the route I'm going to take. I'm up now 3 days with Claritin in my system and I'm feeling better so, I'm not going to toot my own horn yet but, I'm starting to feel better. Let me know how it goes with your allergist. I'd be very interested to know if they find anything. xo

  • Posted

    Hi Jeni156,

    I believe you are on the right track with the histamine issue! I have suffered for several years with every menopause symptom there is except for, surprisingly, the debilitating hot flushes with sweats. I will get hot flushes but not the sweating. At my worst i had severe gastritis, headaches with head pressure and sinus pressure, fatigue and anxiety.

    I did research on diets connected with menopause symptoms due to the gastritis and surprising enough found that foods high in histamine caused me problems...mainly dairy and cheese , avocados, peanuts, bananas , soy and chocolate. Eggplant would make my mouth and throat itchy. I would feel bad after eating these products and most often the effects wouldn't happen for hours or even the next day...except for eggplant which happens immediately.

    I eliminated most of these foods for months and do take claritin as well. Right now I am feeling better than I have in a long while. Not 100 percent but better. I had partial hysterectomy 4 years ago and 4 weeks ago had both ovaries removed due to large tumor and adhesions. Thankfully no cancer. I am 58 years old so dont know if maybe I am just at the other side of this journey or not. All I know is that I can now occasionally eat cheese and chocolate but the peanuts, soy and other foods still cause some problems.

    I am not taking any HRT and haven't taken any through my menopause journey due to hypertension and elevated triglycerides. I was anxious about having ovaries removed but doctor says give it a few months and we will work on any symptoms if they become unbearable.

    sorry for long post...I just am happy to hear that someone else validates the histamine connection but also sorry that you are affected by it. Hope this helps!

    • Posted


      Thanks so much for your post. I can't take HRT too or antidepressants. I've been on herbal supplements but, this Claritin is kicking in the most. I'm not there yet but, I'm feeling more alert and my thoughts are starting to calm down to where I'm more mindful of what I'm doing. Unlike the last 9 grueling months with this dizziness that has been constant. Kelle above, her daughter's have randomly broken out in hives and they have histamine issues and when I was younger I did also. I truly believe there is a connection now for me. I know your always told to eat right but, when it comes to your livelihood such as this stage of peri I'm in right now. This is serious for me to get my life back and I'm basically now going on fresh meats and low histamine vegetables for a while. I'm happy to hear your doing well after having both ovaries removed. I know that couldn't be easy to anticipate let alone a hysterectomy. You are a very strong woman to have endeared both and I truly mean that.

      Much ❤️ Take Care!!!!!!!

  • Posted

    Hey Jeni... I have to say, I’m going to look into this and try it as well. I know that when I take Benadryl it seems to chill out my symptoms and I have fibromyalgia also. There was this whole study done on GUAFENISEN (spelled wrong) and fibromyalgia. It seems like there is a very interesting connection between there 3 meds. definitely food for thought, thank you and have a great holiday weekend 😃

    • Posted

      Hey Lisa:

      Hope you have a great holiday weekend too. Made it through Thanksgiving so, things are looking up. They do say Benadryl can help. It blows my mind to think that I could have been allergic to so many things and never have known it until now at 48. Comes at an awful time and quite late in my life but, just may get me through this dizziness. Right now it's my most debilitating symptom. Hope you feel better soon!! Fibromyalgia can be tough. I had a close friend struggle through it but, things improved over time. Stay strong and positive xo

    • Posted

      Morning Jeni, Have you had the crystals in your ear checked? When the crystals in our ears are off, it can cause dizziness and vertigo, that may be one of the issues you have. A lot of people don’t know about this, including regular GPs . Do you have a chiropractor you go to, they usually know about this. They will do this procedure I think where they manipulate the head and turn you different ways and that balances them 😃

    • Posted

      Hi Lisa:

      Yes, I got a great chiropractor. That's something new. I will have to look that up. Never heard of crystals in the ear but,I appreciate that information. I need something balanced out for sure or I'm going to snap soon. That may be a good thing though. 😊 That's basically what I need to happen! xo Thanks again!!!!!!

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