I really just want to talk to someone who has experienced health anxiety

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i'm 21 years old and have struggled with health anxiety for about 3 years. The past year it has become pretty extreme with any physical symptom causing me to panic. i keep having panic attacks about symptoms and if im honest i just don't enjoy life anymore and i really used to be happy. I'm scared there isn't a way out of this. I just want to make people smile but i can't do that anymore. i really wish the best for anyone reading this that has health anxiety. Please it would mean a lot to me if you had any advice at all. My health anxiety controlling my life and i don't know how sustainable my current way of thinking and feeling is. Sorry

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    I know how you feel, i have suffered with it for the past 3 years and honestly everyday is a struggle. Some days are easier than others but some days i dont want to do anything but get in bed and turn the lights off. I have physical everyday bodily issues but my mind automatically goes to (im dying) so i google and that usually confirms that i am dying, then i panic book a doctors appt, get tests done, they come back clear and repeat. I have recently started a more natural way of trying to deal with it, i have started juicing celery and drinking that, i take ashwaghanda, i go to therapy, i try to keep busy. Have you been to see anyone about it?

    • Posted

      i feel exactly the same as you say most days are a struggle. I tend to stay away from google as i know it sends me into a frenzy of panic. But like you say its a vicious circle of tests worry and repeat. I'm currently trying CBT with a therapist but i'm starting to realise that the only way im going to manage my anxiety is putting in some serious effort myself. i've been lazy with it and the days i feel okay i've thought i don't need to do anything im fine. Thank you for taking the time to reply to me i really appreciate it. How are you getting on at the moment?

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    I would talk to a doctor and see if you could try Zoloft(sertraline). I had years of misguided thoughts of having a heart attack or just falling over dead. I have been on for over 6 weeks now and feel like i can relax and breathe for the first time in years. I still at times get negative thoughts, but it is easier to push them aside and continue life. This is just my opinion as i definitely feel your pain. Wishing you relief...CJ

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me it definitely helps hearing your situation. I spoke to my doctor who recommended CBT and i want to at least give it another go. That's brilliant that you feel you can now relax and enjoy things a bit more. I will look into Zoloft and also Mr hall. i'm using headspace at the moment as a way of managing things. Thank you again for replying and i hope you are well!

    • Posted

      Hi CJ. Ive been suffering from anxiety for many years and have been able to manage it without medication. The last 3 weeks have been so bad! I went to the ER 3 times last week thinking i was having a heart attack. My dr put me on Zoloft (Sertraline) and xanax when needed. Were the first few weeks for you rough when you started sertraline? Seems like my anxiety is worse now. I just need to know theres hope!!

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      yes, for me the first 2 weeks were awful. I about stopped taking it, but so glad i gave it more time. It takes some people 4-6 weeks to start working correctly. I know it is very hard for you now and i hope you feel better soon. You just have to believe it is anxiety causing all this and try to relax. You will feel better soon. wish i could take your pain cj

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    Also, i would try meditations. There are good ones on youtube from MR Hall you can do while you are sleeping.

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    The best thing I found to help with my anxiety when I was your age was, excerise, joined the gym and pushed myself to go, found it helped loads, also try to eat healthy and get plenty of sleep, if you don't want to join gym either go for a run or fast walk everyday, but push yourself to do it, even its a 2 mile fast walk everyday.

    • Posted

      Thank you very much for your reply it really helps. i have been really lazy with managing my anxiety ive let it take control and as a result haven't exercised or tried to eat healthy. I really am going to take your advice and push myself to exercise everyday. I do feel embarrassed as i am only 21 and i certainly don't have anything in my life to cause me stress but i do also know how i have been feeling lately and i know i meed to do something about it.

      I hope you are also okay and i really appreciate your reply.

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    Hey Alex! I'm right here with you. I'm just a little bit older than you and going on a year of exactly what you're describing. It is awful. I haven't felt like myself in a long time. And it feels like it barely takes anything to set myself off.

    For me, there are a few things that have helped. When I get really panicky, beta blockers will settle down my "spikes," especially in the evening when I'm at my worst. Exercise sounds cliche, but it helps me tremendously. It gets out some of my extra energy, and it kind of helps me prove to myself that I'm still strong when I'm feeling jelly armed or numb/twitchy.

    Stay offline as much as possible. Not just off of Google but off of social. Our minds will see illness everywhere, and anything can be a trigger. Take note of the times you feel "better" as in your symptoms aren't as prominent as they usually are, and realize something very important: people with true illness do not have breaks or moments when things improve even a little bit. Most of the times it's all downhill. This mantra has helped me considerably.

    If you need to, screenshot some comments on here where people describe exactly what you're feeling or reassuring results from your doctor. Anything you can quickly refer to in a moment when your panic is taking over. And soon you won't need to look at it anymore. It will just happen in your head automatically.

    Be patient with yourself (this is the hardest one). It is a process for sure. I have had good days and awful days. Hopefully we will all begin to feel better.

    Just remember: try and stay as disinterested in your symptoms as possible. Ignore them at all costs (impossible, I know).

    • Posted

      Hi Vanessa, i just want to start by saying thank you for a very heartfelt response it has really cheered me up and made my day. I completely agree, anxiety just makes you feel like your not yourself and i often find i put on an act and pretend im okay when i don't feel it. Normally i like to make people laugh (or at least try) but the recent intense anxiety has made that hard. Like you evenings are the worst time so i will certainly look into beta blockers if i feel it becomes totally unmanagable. I think exercise is key like you say and i need to do more of it, i really enjoy jogs out in the countryside so i'm going to make it a priority. I agree with your point about social media it can become so consuming and a wormhole and i use it way too much. I know in the back of my mind my symptoms are not serious but as you say it is hard to not focus on them. That's a really good point about screenshotting previous posts on here as i find reading things on here does help me (Your post will be my first screenshot!). I must admit i feel slightly embarrassed when i say i have anxiety thats making me upset because i know there are alot more people in worse situations than me and in worse conditions than i am but i do truly mean it when i say its controlling my life. I really really value your reply and it has made a difference to my evening and made me feel positive.

      I hope that you can also feel yourself again soon and it sounds like you are doing all the right things. Thank you again i mean it you've given me something to be positive about.

      Take care Vanessa


  • Posted

    I have suffered 4 years with health anxiety googled every symptom possible been on countless medications and 4 years of therapy. My 1st tip on therapy is make sure your therapist is invested in helping you overcome and or manage your anxiety. I wasted many years going to realize they were not invested in helping me get better just kept me coming back. Tip #2 listen 🎶 to meditation and the more the better. YouTube is full of good free ones. Tip #3 Be proactive in yourself and put in the effort and work at getting better. Some days, weeks, months are better and worse than others. for every physical symptom you have another one is waiting to replace one's that are resolved. I'm currently reading a book called The Anxiety Workbook I bought on Amazon it's been very helpful one thing I try to repetitively tell myself with each physical symptom is it's just a thought/feeling and to not give that feeling power to escalate. This takes alot of practice too. Exercise is important too! write daily affirmation and read those allowed to yourself example " I deserve to be happy & healthy " . we are all in this struggle together ❤

  • Posted

    I know its hard. But whats worked for me the most is to distract myself the moment i feel any symptom or get scared. Ill go for a drive, listen to music and dance, workout, pretty much anything interactive. i know its very challenging but there is a way to manage it.

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