I seemed lost need help
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AM 41 years old when i was 39 i started getting anxious for no reason like driving and going into shops hairdressers didt make out why i was feeling like that. after few months i started to get weird pains in under breast palpation panic attacts lumpy throat was in and out of doctors A&E had all kinds of test done i thought i was dying . i goolged my symtoms and came across this site which had been kerping me sane to some level. am still regular with my periods but they have shorten by few days and they last only 3 days where b4 i was a full 7 days cycle. the thing is i dont understsnd is my fsh levels 3 times have come back in normal range why am getting all the symtoms .now am lost and thinking am dying of some thing horrible.
i went to see a private gyn she the bloods on day 2 normal levels only my estrogen she said is low about 89 . she gave me hrt patches to try but am scared to.
ALL docs want me on is AD as ive been there so many they fedup of teling me nothings wrong with me as all my bloods come back normal. please help me as want i can do . thank you for listening x
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pamela2016 rehreh78
your not alone ive had my levels checked a few times im told same thing normal but i know my body and like you im scared too. my dr never checked my levels on the day its suppose to be checked. ive had so many test done too. this has really taken my life from me no quality of life at all everyone around me cant understand why im so down and depressed and dont want to do anything. im always saying just cause you cant see it doesn't mean it don't exist the symptoms is very real and the suffering is horrible. hang in there your not alone
rehreh78 pamela2016
Thank you for the reply am sat here feeling light headed dizzy palps cant do anything i use to enjoy even showering is a big effort
i feel so down and hopeless . feel like am going nuts and wont ever feel normal again .
i know its my ovulation week which makes me feel ten times worse .
i have this new pain which is under my right ribs going down into my stomach poking and stabing pain was in hospital for the pain which ruled out gallstones with an scan .
the pain just dont shift deep aces in the ribs making me feel theres something else is majorly wrong . am just waiting for my mri app to come tru . i pray we all get better soon. x
pamela2016 rehreh78
i have the dizziness everyday and i get the palps too ovulation week is bad for me as well, i cant understand why no relief even with cycle i use to get relief when cycle came but that was so long ago.this morning i have the dizziness and hot flushed face and digestive issues. and like you it's a struggle just getting up and deal with all this another day i pray everyday to feel normal that never comes. my cycles is all over the place but im nit skipping yet they either heavy light early late it's ridiculous
Guest rehreh78
Hi rehreh, welcome! I am soon to be 42. Same thing...at 40, I went off birth control pills and my periods went irregular and the symptoms hit. ER a couple of times, numerous blood tests, mri, you name it. Your FSH will be all over place, so will your estrogen. Only until 12 full minths period free with those numbers count. Once your FSH starts getting over 8ish...your ovaries are retiring, My cycles went from skipping 3 months to 21-25 days, light and lasting only a day or 2. Last one early Jan. ( My FSH then was 170 ). Apparently, my ovaries are being screamed at, but they are toast. When your period gets close together, it is like the bodies last ditch effort to get pregnant.
Your sudden worry about everything is normal. I have had my share of freak outs...every day I thought I was having a heart attack. Seems one symptom will cycle, then come back again. My obgyn only does HRT post meno. Try different things to try and help. The patch or BCP might work for you. Some people take herbal remedies, meditate, acupuncture. Personally, those things did not help me. I have chronic migraine (since peri), so I went a different direction and am on an AD used off label for migraine. The other crap I can deal with. You have to try things though...don't let your worry get the best of you! Best of luck whatever you decide!
oh, and this crap can last 10 years. Feels like a slow death!
sunaina1983 Guest
Hi dear
AD ??
Me too having migrane and getting worse in Peri .
sunaina1983 rehreh78
Hellooo my dear
Ur not alone.
we all r suffering Peri symtoms everyday
Long Roller coaster Ride ..Every woman has to ride.
Donot worry all these symtoms r not permanent..they will stop after Menopause.
Shortining of period is symtom of Perimenopause .
Me too facing all these symtoms everyday ..dizziness off balance and migranes issues r difficult to handle .
Have good diet and plenty of water
This phase will pass soon..have faith..
I wish we all will overcome this difficult phase of life .
That what worries me cant take 10 years of this
gyn did give me patches to try . AM just to scared to . mu poor hubby has been lost with me but has been really supportive . i cry everyday to feel normal.
Finny2018 rehreh78
So many of us here can relate to how you're feeling and all that you are going through. When you said you cry everyday to feel normal; my eyes started to well up, too. Oh how I know what you are saying.
This is a great place for you to share what you are feeling. The women on here were my lifeline. I spent hours and hours reading their stories and what they had tried or considered trying - hormones, anti-depressants, supplements, etc. The greatest takeaway for me during those nightmare first few months...was that I was going to keep trying and trying things to see what would give me relief. I could barely function with all of the symptoms I was having and this went on for months.
I myself am taking an over the counter progesterone cream and I am grateful for the results after all of the awful symptoms I started having at the age of 49 for the first time this past July 2018. My doctor - aged 60 - started On HRT and Prozac at age 50. She said that if I wanted a prescription for either or both - she would highly recommend as she could not function or keep her thriving practice going had she not gone on both. In my case, the over the counter natural cream has been a lifesaver so far. I do not underestimate, however, the nightmare of what hormones can do. I am enjoying some good months and am GRATEFUL! I credit MOST of this to the women on here who shared all of their experiences and all the approaches they had tried! I do not know where I would be had I not found this forum! It was a wealth of information at my fingertips.
Take care, Rehreh78. You are in a very good place for support and encouragement. Know that you are NOT alone! ~ Finny
caroline2071 rehreh78
hi, im new to perimenopause and been looking into alternative treatment after spending the past 10 years suffering from the effects of prescription meds and came across something called "bio identical"? my doc had never heard of it but was very interested, i know carol vorderman said it saved her life so you could google her story, i hope its of some help to you๐
Finny2018 caroline2071
Thanks for sharing that info on Carol Vorderman. I just read her story - wow. For her to come out and do an interview to share the depths of her menopause depression is so validating, I'm sure, for many women out there. It gives me hope on my journey. I, too, am trying a progesterone cream that I rub on different parts of my body each day for 21 days a month. Mine is not prescription. I am trying the all natural over the counter one for now and I think I'm on my 7th month. I was in such a bad way back in July with a majority of the symptoms on the meno symptom list. I am grateful to be experiencing these last few months - so much better than I was!!!! Take care, Caroline. I wish you the best on your meno journey as well. Thanks again for sharing that info!
betty11791 rehreh78
want to give you some encouragement everything you've mentioned I had them but some how with help from this site I became patient with myself and slowly each bad symptom went the palpitations stopped the dizziness has all but gone the anxiety is still there but I tell myself it's the menopause and I've become strong and go through with it so ladies just hang in there just to add I didn't take any medication my anxiety was too much couldn't dare to try anything just be patient and take care if yourself I've been in this journey coming to 8 years now
rehreh78 betty11791
i started to manage some symtoms and was getting a little bit better but this month the pain in ribs and upper stomach got the better of me . The thing is i did not have these pain in my stomach b4 an endoscopy done in november after that the pain came along been trying to tell the doctors this but they dont seem to listen. i had biospy done where i felt a little pinch eversince then this pain has become worse. dr keep saying ibs but ive had ibs pain b4 it nothing like am feeling now . my endosocpy came back normal only showing gasstis mild . Am growing extra thick hair on my upperlip amd chin which i have to thread everh few days . losing head hair in clumps and going more grey i feel 60 not 41 . i thought i should be done like my mum did early at 40 but no am not even showing high fsh or missing periods yet. i keep asking my mum if she had any symptoms but she said no . i only remember just going crazy at us and shouting as 7 siblings where pretty small at that time . maybe that was her only symptom .is there any vitamins i try that can lift my moods and help with pains ?
caroline2071 rehreh78
get your vitamin d levels checked, mine were really low and was contributing to a lot of muscle pain, i will be very surprised if there normal as most people need this supplement also k2? iron, sage helps with sweats, also checkbout the recipe for tumeric golden paste by Dave English and try meditation healing music before bed you will have the best sleep, hope something helps for you but it may take a few weeks to feel any benefits๐
rehreh78 caroline2071
just had my d checked last week and iron all normal. ive got a massive headache today really heavy head its really making me feel sick pounding to. ive had mri 2 years ago all fine plus 2 ct scan in the last year all good . just fed up feeling ill everyday .
caroline2071 rehreh78
i understand what your going through, i spend most my time researching something that will help with debilitating pain and now menopause on top. can i suggest peppermint essential oil for headaches and soft gel ice, a few drops of eucalyptus in warm water in your room at night, lavender, mineral bath salts, magnesium, omega 3 cod liver oil also have you tried yoga? i started about 6 weeks ago after being in physio for a year with very little improvement and the difference it has made has been brilliant, i started with a couple of mins per day and now do 10 mins 3 x per day, if i think of anything else i will let you know but i would definitely try tumeric golden paste? Google the benefits its amazing stuff๐
rehreh78 caroline2071
will deffo look up the golden paste. need to get back on my vitamins . i stopped them thinking that wax coursing my stomach. but its not the case . its after having upper gi . but docs dont listen . They keep thinking gallballder or stones but nothing shows on scans ive had 2 in the last 3 months .
caroline2071 rehreh78
you could try CBD oil? i take it and it hepls alot but make sure you get it from a good source or your wasting time and money.
the docs don't have time or resources so sites like this can be so informative and supportive and stops you from going insane, just hang in there ๐
sunaina1983 betty11791
Thanks for words mam..give me hope this all will end one day.
Thanks for showing there is light on the other side of tunnel.
Mam u took any supplents ?