I started taking 50mg of sertaline 8 weeks ago and i think im getting worse ?
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Hi, im 16 year old and im just looking for some advice really and other peoples experiences and if what im going through is normal.
2 years ago i fell into deep depression after my parents broke up, my whole life fell apart and i lost my boyfriend, didn't attend school etc. After battling everyday for almost a year i gave up my fight and tryed to end it all by taking an overdose, i was in hospital for just under 2 weeks. After that i was refered CBT and underwent coucelling i must admit it didn't help and if anything it just brought all my problems to the front of my mind. Since then which is now a year ago i've been doing well and coping with day to day life and slowly putting the peices of my life back togehter. However, before starting college in september after not attending school for 2 years i began suffering with really bad anxiety, it really was awful and stoped me from even leving the house. I went to the doctors and was prescribed 50mg of sertaline a day, which really helped at first, my anxiety didn't completely go but it certainly got alot better and manageable. Yet, after about 4 weeks i started to feel really low and dark, very hopeless and lost and 4 weeks later im still feeling the same. I dont know what to do as from what i've been told by my doctor and from storys i've read i should be doing ok by now, but i seem to be getting worse. Everyday is a battle, im really, really trying to keep above water right now, i just need some advice because im honestly scared of my self and what i'll do to myslef when im in that place, i feel like im going insane, my thoughts wont stop racing .... i just want to be able to wake up and live, i dont think thats to much to ask
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LouiseN34 clare43168
clare43168 LouiseN34
Thankyou for replying to me, yes i went back and saw him about 2 weeks ago and he told me to up my dosage by taking two 50mg each day, but i was reluctant to do this as i thought it was maybe the sertaline making me worse, thankyou for your time xx
plainden clare43168
adam1972 clare43168
You're absolutely right, it's not too much to ask to simply live your life! But it sounds like you've achieved a great deal in terms of successfully putting your life back together which is really positive. It's also positive that you're looking for support from various places like GP and by posting on this site. Sertraline did not ease my anxiety and I can really relate to your feelings of being hopeless and lost because that's how I felt on sertraline - basically too scared to get out of bed which isn't like me at all. There are lots of other alternatives to talk about with your GP. Be kind to yourself and stay positive. My CBT lady said to me today that anxiety is not something I asked for and is not my fault so I have to stop being critical of myself. Take care.
clare43168 adam1972
adam1972 clare43168
clare43168 adam1972
adam1972 clare43168
ingrid26483 clare43168
you certainly are not alone, firstly thank you so much for sharing your story with us that is a massive step on its own. everyone on this sight has had some sort of hurt in there live, there is a vast range of medicines are the market so if your not feel better soon you should go back to your doc or get refered. Well I started on the lowest dose and moved to 50mg and now 100 mgs it took 3 monthes for anything to change, Please Please see you gp before you stop taking them as I am going through the most horrible side effects stopping them so I went back on them today and feel a big differants it really does take a long long time to feel like your coping.DONT stop trying you will get there, chin up girl you will find the right dose for you xxxx
chris23342 clare43168
pmnc clare43168
I've always found keeping active reduces my anxiety but asked a dr when I got panic attacks, he said I should try sert (try implied if it didn't work, try another, there's hope.) I quickly got to 100mg, panic stopped, gradually tapered to 25mg. But I may have too much energy and you too little, ssri's help get out of that hole so you can move on. Anxiety and depression can be related, same med can help both. Good you're working with a dr, don't give up, ask for a specialist if needed. Take care,
gingemac1977 clare43168
you poor thing having to deal with all this at such an early stage in your life. don't worry though, sertaline will help you sort things out and get out of this black hole that we all know so well. i am 37 and struggled with depression and anxiety for the best part of my adult life on and off. this time i went to my doctor to sort it out for good. i know exactly where you're coming from with the helpless and alone feeling and being in a very dark place, where everything looks negative and black. i had this feeling for a good 12 months this time round but sertraline has helped me no end and i'm well on the road to recovery now. i started on 50mg and after 6-8 weeks i was increased to 100mg and now i'm on 150mg and this is the perfect dose for me. it depends how your body reacts to the medicaton really. if you're feeling down now after 4 weeks you need to go and see your GP again, you may need an increase?? don't take my word for that though, i'm not sure if there are special conditions about increasing due to your age, but it's worth going to see them just to see if you can be increased or not, i've had CBT and hypnotherapy treatment, neither did much for me to be honest, and by the time i'd got a councillor through, i was too ill to even care about anything so just went straight to the doctors. i don't need to talk about it with anyone else, i have this forum for that, everyone on here will do their upmost to try and support you through your journey, and remember clare we are all fighting are own devils and we are here to support and help where we can :-)
Guest clare43168