I swear ... don’t think I’m gonna make it through this

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Rough day could have been asleep by 4.30pm . White as a ghost no! Correction actually I look grey! I could go haunting houses. 

My bday is coming up and I know everybody will be asking me ‘what you doing ?’  I can’t do anything ! Even when I get enough sleep I eat dinner go very faint and tired and crash.

There seems to be no answers ? How long does this last ? Why did I feel so great for months before this crash ? 

How can you combat the fatigue and have somewhat of a life ?

Thinking of checking myself into Mayo Clinic .... I have been very patient I’ve had 3 months of this . I keep thinking something else is wrong but I guess when I hear that one lady took 6 months off work ... it’s probably all hormones . I honestly felt like smashing up the whole house tonight ! I’m so fed up and this is so unfair !!!!!

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    It is truly unfair! I can’t help but think that if men suffered this, we would have a cure! Not that women aren’t capable of curing ourselves, but with men screaming about these symptoms tons of money would get assigned to research! I often worry there’s more going on, but reading posts here has helped me. I guess it’s safety in numbers! I nap more than I ever have. Full time work is getting tough, but not much choice on that front. I just try to keep expectations realistic and take the best care of myself that I can. Good luck!
    • Posted

      The country would come to a standstill if men went through this . And yes you are right if it were men suffering there would be one pill that you take and feel better.

      I mean men have viagra and many other prescriptions for their erectile dysfunction and all these are advertised on tv . Why aren’t menopause medications advertised on tv ? 

  • Posted


    You are just find.....fatigue is apart of menopause....get u some liquid B-12 5000mcg and start taking that...it helped me with energy....stay strong and keep pushing through

    • Posted

      Thank you Susan I’m doing b12 and adrenal support . I love to workout ... hard but think that may be part of the problem . 

  • Posted

    Lori the fatigue will pass, trust me. I was at that stage before but now its the opposite. I want to nap or sleep when its time for bed but cant go to sleep. I just feel so wired and hyperstimulated. I missed sleeping when I felt like napping or sleeping. You will cross this bridge of symptom and then another thats usually the way it is.
    • Posted

      Hi Mary 

      Thank you for your positivity . I’m at such a low point and have no life. Yes I can’t nap anymore either no matter how tired I am I think just nervous about everything. How long did your fatigue last ? It’s driving me crazy and making me depressed as can’t have a social life and just waiting until 7.30pm so I can go to bed. 

  • Posted

    I feel your pain! I decided to overhaul my life style and whilst it wasn’t always easy it has helped with deal with the set backs! Exercise is a must it gives you more energy and really does help get the endorphins flowing. Also have you tried taking vitamin b complex and magnesium? I’ve also started taking evening primrose oil and probiotics which have all helped. Try to eat as healthy as possible with treats of course 😜 and limited sugar, caffeine and alcohol. One thing that has really helped and I swear by is acupuncture I initially had a 6 week course once a week now I just have maintenance of 1 session every 3-4 weeks. Don’t get me wrong I still have episodes but I’m able to manage it all a lot better but doing all these things and it’s helped me get my life back. Meditation is also really good! Good luck xx

    • Posted

      Hi foxy 

      Yes I’m very healthy and workout a lot my body is ripped but I think that may part of the problem as I can’t stop exercising .... I love it .

      I think my adrenals are fried as before I ‘crashed’ I worked out hard for 2 months no days off. I could do it and wasn’t ever tired then everything changed . 

      I eat very healthy and all my blood work cane back good apart from need more salt and more b12 which I’m doing .

      Being ready for bed at 4.30 pm is no life though. 

    • Posted

      Hi Lori, if you have an adrenal issue, like my dr. thinks that I do. It will be very difficult for anything to.work unless the adrenals are targeted. I have tried every thing under the sun, from exercise to supplements, acunpunture, etc. With me exercise only worsen it, it gives me more heart palps, my body is already in a hyper state and exercise stimulates it more, although i do walk. I have to even be careful about the supplements I take. Unfortunately, what works for some may not work for others. You may want to have your adrenals checked. The adrenals suppose to pitch in and help out the ovaries, when ovaries decrease hormones, but if adrenals were already in an unhealthy state than they wont be able to do much. As you say, you believed they were fried as before. I would suggest getting a cortisol test done.
    • Posted

      Hi Mary 

      Yes getting cortisol done tomorrow I went today but it has to be done between 7-9 am .

      I love to workout and that’s all I have right now in my life . I did research on  cortisol and adrenals and it said hormone treatment is required . So I’m on the HRT patch  a week now . I guess hormone inbalance affects adrenals so it’s all tied together . It’s such a labrynth of information . Researching and learning . The days and months are passing by and so desperate to have my life back 😩

  • Posted

    I so feel for you Lori, I too cancelled my birthday this year as I honestly just couldn't cope with it... I also keep cancelling plans and outings as I kind of panic as I know I won't cope with them! 

    My friends feel so much more energetic and it's awful to think I used to be the most energetic of all of us... now I struggle to get up. The fatigue is crippling. 

    I just started taking B Complex,  multivits/minerals + fish oils, hoping it may make a slight difference. 

    Also just started on ANOTHER regime of HRT...  early days. 

     It's terrible but I just pray that after it passes we will all regain some of our former energy back again - but in the meantime, you're not alone darling. Stay positive and just do what you can. ??

    AJ. xx

    • Posted

      Hi AJ 

      So sorry to you had to cancel your birthday that really is a bummer. I just tell people I am ill now as I believe if something is preventing you from doing things it’s a illness ! I also had to cancel my trip to Europe . 

      Glad you’re doing HRT I’m just starting on 2nd week . I’m doing everything to supplements exercise healthy eating . That’s all we can do right now . 

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      How are you doing on your new BHRT ? 

      I’m on week 5 and although most of the symptoms have lifted like dizziness fatigue my mood is so dark and low . 

  • Posted

    I know how you feel. I have wondered how I can be so tired, sick,anxious, and without joy.and still exist. Especially when I have so many wonderful things in my life! My symptoms improved so much after bhrt. I’m not 100%, but the good news is that my peri symptoms (especially the mood swings) can be bad in the morning, but great just a few hours later. When I hear about a woman of peri age having a road rage incident, or making drastic changes in their life, or anything seemingly uncharacteristic, I think....yep, it’s the hormones! 😂

    • Posted

      Yes I’m on the patch too and my symptoms have improved but I just don’t feel like myself on it .... and really that’s all we want right ? To feel like our old selves . 

      All around my fatigue dizziness panic is better but I don’t feel relaxed and have a very dark mood . And yes mornings are the worst and evenings the best ! 

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