I think I am going crazy
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Hi everyone,
I am new to this forum and so glad I found it! I am 52 and one year ago I had a hysterectomy and at that time started with the hot flashes, which seemed to dissipate after about six months, but then the nightmare for me started. I have this weird sensation in my brain and my heart. The only way I can describe it is I feel kind of flushed, but not warm, and kind of like my heart is going to stop and I am going to drop dead, which of course causes immense anxiety! Then along the right side of my calf I have this feeling like it is cold, not to the touch, but inside, and it aches, it has moved up to my knee and all around the knee and inner thighh. This has been two months now. I can barely drive because of it. My elbow is burning, I can’t sleep, I am depressed, have headaches, etc. I went to the doctor and she wanted to give me anti inflammatory and muscle relaxers for the knee, which I forgot to mention feels like it is going to give out on me. Now the top of my left foot feels the same way at times. They have run blood work and it is mostly normal, with a few borderline lows. My blood pressure is generally low but will shoot up high for no reason at all and my heart will start racing. I think I have peripheral neuropathy or multiple sclerosis or am just plain crazy. I feel so alone when I get these anxiety attacks and so scared. My sister is into homeopathy and gave me a mixture of essential oils that I rub on my skin for anxiety and believe it or not it does help. I just wonder how long this will go on for and if I will ever return to normal??? Does anyone know the answer to this question?
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Guest tammy40126
Hi Tammy! Welcome! I started up with crazy symptoms last year..tingling, numbness, heart palps, anxiety, migraines, aches, pains,GERD...my most challenging issues are fatigue, migraines and vertigo. I am sure I missed some. My dr at the time had me screened for MS...all clear. It seems if you complain of tingles it is automatic that they rule that out. My bloodwork is “ spectacular”, but I feel like hell. I have no answer for when it will end...However, it would have been nice to be better prepared for this treat Mother Nature bestows on us women! This forum is a gift...lots of knowledge! 😊
debra16694 tammy40126
Hi Tammy - Welcome to Menopause! Ain’t it fun? Do yourself a favor and take some time to read this patient forum. Not just recent entries, but old ones as well. It will amaze you all the different ailments/symptoms women experience during this time. I for one have experienced all of your symptoms except the cold body parts. I get burning body parts where I think my body is just going to explode from the fire that rages in my body. When you touch my sunburned body parts, it is cool to the touch. I sometimes experience a “chil” after a particularly bad burning episode. I have spent thousands of dollars @ the ER, Urgent Care, Drs, naturopaths etc to figure out my symptoms. They all say the same thing...anxiety never menopause! Yes, I think anxiety ramps up during these episodes, but menopause is the reason. Yes, & the top of my left foot also has the nerve issue too! Menopause seems to really attack the nervous system! I couldn’t function without all my calming herbs. Try to read & heed the wisdom of this strong sisterhood - Be well!
2chr2015 debra16694
tammy40126 2chr2015
I can’t really describe the sensation. It is like a weird nerve running on the top, not burning, not stinging, but super sensitive and feels kind of achy and weak. Like I said, it is hard to describe. My sister got me set up with some essential oil blend for the anxiety and that helps. I also started diffusing oils for a bit before bed, and that helps me sleep. I wish the bloating would go away tho.
Donna23316 tammy40126
Hi Tammy, welcome, you will find loads of support, and I'm sure many women can relate to your plight. I really do feel for you. It seems you are experiencing a lot of different feelings and sensations. And I think thinks are 100 times worse when you can't pinpoint the cause I do think the anxiety you feel could easily be attributed to the menopause. The symptoms I get which are linked to the menopause are akin to a "really dark bout of depression". The psychical symptoms are nights wears, hot flushes, cold sweats and a feeling of "being under the weather", so to speak. I reach menopause 3 years ago and I still get symptoms. So, I can't answer how long it will last. It depends on the individual. I think all women are different. There are no guide lines. No-one talks about it. We learn about starting periods, childbirth, postnatal depression but not the menopause. It should be discussed. And we women should learn so maybe we can have some preparation on how best to deal and cope with it. It's no stroll in the park! Message me anytime hun, you're not alone. Donna xxx
tammy40126 Donna23316
Thanks for your response. I have the depression issue too, but I have been trying to get out of the house and not think about it because it makes it worse. My husband thinks I am a hypochondriac because I have so many things going on....he just will never really know what this is like. I agree that it would have been nice if someone would have sat us down and told us what to expect. I think that is half the anxiety problem! We don’t know and it is scary because you don’t feel well and it isn’t just one thing. So you start to think you have some terrible disease. I just want to be back to normal. I have been using some essential oils and they do help. Thanks for writing.